Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Encouragement from 'The Ugly Duckling'

A Christian Science perspective.

By Doug Brown / July 29, 2012

Over the years I have always had a fascination with fairy tales. They contain wonderful insights that we carry well into adulthood; and many times, universal truths are taught by the animal characters in these fairy tales.

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I particularly like ?The Ugly Duckling,? by Hans Christian Andersen. Our star character is a duckling whose appearance is so out of place among his family that he is labeled The Ugly One. Deep down in his little duckling heart he has the same needs for love and acceptance as his brother and sister ducks, but it is not to be. He is different ? he is ugly.

One day he sees a flock of beautiful white birds on a pond. Something deep inside impels him to approach these birds, these beautiful white swans. As he approaches, he catches sight of his reflection in the water ? why, he is one of them! He is a beautiful white swan. Everyone had it wrong: he was not a duck, nor was he ugly. It was a case of mistaken identity.

Over 2,000 years ago Jesus asked a question along similar lines, which continues to reverberate even today. The question was asked in two different ways. First, ?Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?? His disciples? answer was to report rumors of what others said. He asked again: ?But whom say ye that I am?? This time his disciple Peter came forth with a validation of Jesus? office: ?Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God? (Matthew 16:13-16).

The integrity of any testimony is based on two factors: the credibility of the testimony and the credentials of the witness. Peter?s understanding was the rock upon which Jesus would build his church, and it satisfies both criteria as reliable and authentic.

Sadly, Jesus? best intentions were misinterpreted and even intentionally distorted. Yet he never forgot his mission, never turned back or compromised his message. The biographies of Mary Baker Eddy reveal a similar kind of resistance to her message, but her teachings and practice followed the Master ? always taking the way of divine Love to bless, restore, and reform. She was not deterred when her efforts were misrepresented by mere opinion gone wrong; she knew that conviction based on truth would vindicate the Christianity of her teachings.

We shouldn?t be discouraged if our prayers or our healing work is misrepresented; rather, we should recognize that opinion is baseless, but conviction blesses. What matters is our commitment to reflecting God?s allness in our daily living. Jesus exhorted his students: ?Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils? (Matthew 10:8). And Mrs. Eddy placed a similarly high premium on proof and demonstration. She encouraged her students to rely totally upon those principles in their lives. She wrote, ?I make strong demands on love, call for active witnesses to prove it, and noble sacrifices and grand achievements as its results? (?Miscellaneous Writings 1883-1896,? p. 250).

Christian Science teaches us of our inseparability from God, divine Mind, our origin and the source of our completeness. Mrs. Eddy writes, ?Man is God?s reflection, needing no cultivation, but ever beautiful and complete? (?Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,? p. 527).

When the duckling made the connection with the other swans through his reflection, it allowed him to cross over the invisible barrier to the companionship he so longed for. And when we make the connection to the divinity in our reflection, we cross the invisible barriers to what we long for. It is this decision to take action, directed by inspiration, that validates and sustains our course heavenward.

To receive Christian Science perspectives daily or weekly in your inbox,?sign up today.

To learn more about Christian Science, visit?ChristianScience.com.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/csm/~3/XAsyTTA2kQI/Encouragement-from-The-Ugly-Duckling

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NOAA Hi-Def Radar Gives You the Straight Scoop

To me, the coolest things about an app aren't so much about the design or buttons or swiping, but how and why you would actually use the app -- the experiences that that app actually enables. NOAA Hi-Def Radar fits right in with me because it's all about showing what's going on in the world of weather all around you.

Source: http://ectnews.com.feedsportal.com/c/34520/f/632000/s/21e56eb4/l/0L0Stechnewsworld0N0Crsstory0C757670Bhtml/story01.htm

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VIDEO: Sarcoxie woman bakes thousands of cookies for American troops

SARCOXIE, Mo. ? Three years ago, Bonnie Grace watched on television as more troops were sent to Afghanistan.

She wondered how they could stand to leave their homes and families, and she felt moved to do something for them. But what could she do to bring comfort to those troops and to show appreciation for their selflessness?

?I didn?t know what I could do,? she said. ?But I wanted to find something. So I prayed about it and asked the Lord, ?Please tell me what I can do.??

That?s when she lit on a mission. Grace had always liked to bake. She used to bake goodies to give away at Christmas. She decided she could send cookies from home.

She arranged to send cookie dispatches to members of the Missouri National Guard?s 203rd Engineer Battalion when they were deployed to Afghanistan.

?Those cookies were always great because it was a home-cooked thing. Baked goods are nice? to receive from home, said Staff Sgt. Roman Koziol of the Joplin armory.

But when members of the 203rd returned home, Grace didn?t know any soldiers or have any addresses where she could keep sending her gifts.

?I felt guilty,? she said of her idle project. So she started calling around and found some service members and addresses she could use to continue her work.

Grace, who worked 39 years at First National Bank and First State Bank in Sarcoxie, has taken on her cookie dispatch in a big way. Since January 2010, she has given her convection oven a workout five mornings a week, baking up to 30 dozen cookies each day. She sends off at least 12 packages of 10 dozen every other week. So far, she has dispatched 470 boxes.

No shortcuts

Grace takes no shortcuts.

She uses real butter, not margarine or shortening. She has certain brands of flour, sugar and chocolate chips because she believes they give the best results, although she will gladly use whatever she is given if supporters send supplies her way, she said. She mixes the batter by hand, not with a mixer, ?because that?s how the love goes in,? she said.

While her favorite is ginger snaps, chocolate chip is the most popular. She puts an extra layer of those in each box because of the demand. She bakes a variety to try to hit everyone?s favorite: snickerdoodles, sugar cookies, oatmeal, ginger snaps, toffee, walnut.

She has learned to package the treats with cushions of bubble wrap so that they don?t arrive crumbled. She asks the recipients for feedback to make sure the cookies arrive fit to eat, and she has received a thumbs up on most of the shipments.

She bakes one week, and then friends come the next week to help her get the packages ready.

All of her care and attention to detail, coupled with the volume of baking, comes at a cost. After she pays her bills, most of what she has left goes into buying the baking supplies and packing materials, and paying the postage. ?I don?t require much, but for this project I give everything I?ve got,? she said.

Grace doesn?t need much to spend on herself, she said, because she has such a passion for using her money to send the homemade comfort to the troops. And, like most people, there are occasions when the cupboards look a little bare.

?There?s been times I?ve said, ?Lord, I don?t have it,?? she said of the money it takes to pay for the project. Each time, something has come along: a refund, a donation, or some other unexpected money to help her pay the postage or buy the supplies for the next batch.


Her work has not gone unnoticed.

Members of the 203rd gave her a framed print of an American flag inscribed with a message of appreciation.

?I said, ?I don?t deserve that,?? but the 203rd officials told her, ?You don?t know what that meant to those soldiers over there,? she said.

Koziol said care packages of any kind are appreciated, particularly those that contain toiletry items that are sometimes hard to get in remote locations.

?We all enjoy it very much,? he said. ?There?s never a care package that goes over there that?s wasted.?

Most service members can use items such as lip balm, lotion, toothbrushes and toothpaste.

A military family assistance specialist can provide information about delivery of care packages to a unit that will share the items if it gets more than it needs. The assistance specialist also can also make recommendations on what is needed.

?If we get an overabundance of packages, they will set them up in a room where soldiers can go to get things when they need them,? Koziol said. ?There are a lot of those soldiers always out on the road who can?t get to a PX, and those soldiers use it. It?s a really good way for soldiers to be taken care of overseas.?

Care packages

This is a statement from the Missouri National Guard about its policy on providing addresses for care packages:

?The Missouri National Guard does not release specific names and addresses of its deployed soldiers and airmen for operational security reasons. Each unit, however, has one or two designated care package unit representatives whose mailing addresses are made available so they can receive care packages for anyone in the unit and then distribute them appropriately.

?For an address to send care packages to a specific or non-specific Missouri Guardsman or unit, please contact Jenn Whitacre, of the Missouri National Guard Family Program, 573-638-9688, or Nicole Hurlbut, the family assistance specialist for the Joplin area, at 417-425-3697.?

Source: http://www.joplinglobe.com/topstories/x328557441/Sarcoxie-woman-bakes-thousands-of-cookies-for-American-troops

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PFT: Hasselbeck, Locker alternating reps at camp

Jaguars Practice FootballAP

A pair of draft picks remain unsigned. ?Both played receiver at Big 12 schools, where they each were named first-team All Conference.

But they are unsigned for very different reasons.

Titans receiver Kendall Wright, the 20th overall pick in the draft, is trying to get as much fully-guaranteed money as possible from the slot in which Bucs defensive end Adrian Clayborn unexpectedly finagled a four-year, fully-guaranteed deal in 2011. ?The players taken in front of and behind Clayborn last year and Wright this year did not receive four-year, fully guaranteed deals.

Jaguars receiver Justin Blackmon, the fifth overall selection, presents a more complex situation, given his post-draft aggravated DUI arrest and subsequent guilty plea. ?A source with knowledge of the situation tells PFT that the two sides are talking on a daily basis.

Not quite as clear is what they?re talking about.

It?s widely believed that the Jags want to insert offset language in the deal, which would give them a dollar-for-dollar credit as to Blackmon?s guaranteed money if the Jags cut Blackmon and he signs with a new team.

We think the Jags are going farther, trying to insert language that would nullify remaining guarantees if Blackmon gets in trouble again. ?That would allow the Jaguars to move on and owe Blackmon nothing further.

Either way, the two sides need to find a middle ground. ?It helps neither the player nor the team for Blackmon to miss camp. ?Though the Jags have good reason to want protection, they also need to not push it too far.

After all, it?s not as if Blackmon had never gotten in trouble before.

Source: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/07/29/hasselbeck-locker-alternating-reps-at-titans-camp/related/

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Liver cancer cells stop making glucose as they become cancerous

ScienceDaily (July 30, 2012) ? As liver cancer develops, tumor cells lose the ability to produce and release glucose into the bloodstream, a key function of healthy liver cells for maintaining needed blood-sugar levels.

The findings come from a study by scientists at The Ohio State Comprehensive Cancer Center -- Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute (OSUCCC -- James).

The loss of this type of glucose production, a process called gluconeogenesis, is caused by the over-expression of a molecule called microRNA-23a. The change might aid cancer-cell growth and proliferation by helping to maintain high levels of glycolysis under conditions of drastically reduced mitochondrial respiration, also known as the Warburg effect.

The findings suggest that suppressing miR-23a might reverse this process and offer a new treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the most common form of liver cancer.

The research is published in the journal Hepatology.

"This study identifies an important mechanism that severely blocks glucose production and its release from the liver as liver cells transform into cancer cells," says principal investigator Dr. Samson Jacob, professor of molecular and cellular biochemistry and William and Joan Davis Professor in Cancer Research, Division of Hematology and Oncology at Ohio State and co-leader of the OSUCCC -- James Experimental Therapeutics Program. "It is conceivable that delivery of an anti-miR23a to the tumor site could reverse this."

For this study, Jacob and his colleagues used an animal model that develops diet-induced HCC, along with primary-tumor samples from patients and HCC cell lines. The mouse model mimics different stages of human hepatocarcinogenesis. Key findings include:

  • Levels of enzymes in the gluconeogenesis pathway were drastically reduced, along with transcription factors involved in the expression of the genes encoding those enzymes.
  • miR-23a expression was significantly up-regulated in the animal model and in primary human HCC.
  • miR-23a suppresses the enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase and the transcription factor PGC-1a, two important components of the gluconeogenesis pathway.
  • Interleukin-6 and Stat-3 signaling cause the upregulation of miR-23a.

"Based on our data," Jacob says, "we conclude that gluconeogenesis is severely compromised in HCC by IL6-Stat3-mediated activation of miR-23a, which directly targets and suppresses glucose-6-phosphatase and PGC-1a, leading to decreased glucose production in HCC."

Jacob notes that since glucose-6-phosphatase is also essential for liver cells to convert glycogen (the storage form of glucose) to glucose, suppression of this enzyme can block all pathways leading to glucose production by the liver.

Funding from the NIH/National Cancer Institute (grants CA086978 and DK088076) supported this research.

Other Ohio State researchers involved in this study were Bo Wang, Shu-Hao Hsu, Wendy Frankel and Kalpana Ghoshal.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Ohio State University Medical Center.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Bo Wang, Shu-Hao Hsu, Wendy Frankel, Kalpana Ghoshal, Samson T. Jacob. Stat3-mediated activation of microRNA-23a suppresses gluconeogenesis in hepatocellular carcinoma by down-regulating Glucose-6-phosphatase and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma, coactivator 1 alpha. Hepatology, 2012; 56 (1): 186 DOI: 10.1002/hep.25632

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/~3/xW5HmLm-J1U/120730141635.htm

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There?s Something About Mary

A. I agree that beginning a relationship does not require presenting your new love interest a due-diligence dossier, nor a cheek swab of one's DNA. But there is some information that potential partners are entitled to pretty early on; these include one's marital status, STD test results, interactions with law enforcement, relevant medical conditions (including previous substance abuse problems), questions about sexual orientation, and gender at birth. For some potential partners the information revealed may elicit a shrug: "I have herpes, too." For others it will be a deal-breaker: "I appreciate you're telling me you've got three kids out of wedlock, but I think we're just at different places in our lives." That Juliette was born Jason is just one of those things that will be revealed eventually. Juliette should realize the dishonesty of not telling could itself become a relationship ender. When relationships get serious, that usually leads to visits with the family, and often a look at childhood photo albums. Juliette will either have to keep John away, or ask her family to do an Soviet-style editing of history. It's just not going to work?someone is going to out Juliette, and surely she knows it. I think you should tell your cousin she's living in a dream world and that she's being unfair to John, even if he has a lack of desire for children. Of course, it could be that John flees, or it could be that he says, "She's more than woman enough for me." But it's his right to know the crucial piece of history. You are in a difficult position since you have relationships with both parties, but you didn't fix up John and Juliette, so you don't bear that moral responsibility of letting him know. I think you should tell your cousin you will not be the one to deliver the news to John. If he brings up the relationship with you, you can be non-committal and tight-lipped and just say you're glad to hear he's enjoying your cousin's company.

Source: http://feeds.slate.com/click.phdo?i=a1ff108e1e825323baa0f0a8e8a3b3dd

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Malaysia water "crisis" signals fierce fight for richest state

KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - The surprise statement came during a rainy spell and when the seven dams in Malaysia's richest, most populous state were full.

Reserves of treated water in the opposition-controlled state of Selangor were perilously low, said the water company supplying a population of 7 million in the country's main industrial base. It was seeking approval to start immediate rationing.

For many it looked like politics, not water, was behind the problem - a measure of how high tensions are running ahead of national elections that must be called by early next year and which may be the closest in Malaysia's history.

"Of course, it's a political conspiracy," said Teresa Kok, a member of the Selangor state executive council and opposition member of parliament.

The July 14 announcement has set off an ill-tempered battle between the opposition-run state and the federal government that foreshadows an intense election struggle for the crucial swing state that is a base for multinationals including Panasonic Corp and British American Tobacco.

The state leadership says the ruling coalition is using water supplier Syabas to manufacture a water crisis and sow doubts in voters' minds over the opposition's competence.

Syabas, a unit of Puncak Niaga Bhd, has links with the Malaysia's ruling United Malays National Organization (UMNO). Rozali Ismail, the chairman of Puncak Niaga and executive chairman of Syabas, is treasurer for the party's Selangor branch and was dubbed Malaysia's "water king" by Forbes, which ranks him as the country's 37th richest person.

The federal government says the state has jeopardized its water supply by blocking the construction of a 3.8 billion ringgit ($1.2 billion) treatment plant.

"If we can make Malaysia the global centre for IPOs, how can it be that we can't resolve water issues," Prime Minister Najib Razak was quoted as saying this week by The Star newspaper, referring to several big stock debuts in Malaysia this year.

The problem could be resolved, he said, once the people of Selangor "choose a government that can do it."

As Malaysia's traditional engine of growth, the west-coast state was a prized, unprecedented win for the opposition in the last election in 2008, and the most potent symbol of the ruling coalition's worst election performance.

Wresting back the state would help lay to rest doubts about Najib's leadership within his own party and help the coalition rebound nationwide. For the opposition, retaining Selangor is crucial if it is to have any chance of winning a parliamentary majority and forming a government for the first time.

The state has been at the centre of concerns over voter fraud, with the opposition accusing the government of handing out voting rights to thousands of illegal immigrants.

"The stakes are the highest in Selangor. The prime minister really needs to win it back," said Ong Kian Ming, a political analyst and lecturer at Kuala Lumpur's private UCSI university.


The perceived performance of the four opposition-controlled states will be a crucial campaign issue as the three-party opposition alliance tries to convince voters it is capable of running the country.

Penang, another opposition-held state, has set an enviable record, attracting the country's highest level of investment in the manufacturing sector for two years running and slashing public debt levels by over 90 percent in three years.

Selangor's record is less spectacular. The state government has been dogged by talk of infighting and Malaysia's ruling coalition is presenting the water issue as exhibit A to show the state is being mismanaged.

"They want to influence the course of the elections. They have a monopoly over water resources and are holding the people to ransom," said opposition MP Tony Pua, adding that uncertainty over water supply was endangering investment in the state.

Syabas' shock warning of water rationing this month prompted indignant state officials to pose for pictures in front of dams brimming with water to show there was no shortage. Syabas hit back with images showing treatment plants at low reserve capacity, bolstering its case for the new plant.

"The responsibility for ensuring that Selangor has enough water treatment plants lies with the Selangor state government," it said in a statement released on Thursday.

Selangor has threatened to take over the water company's operations, a bid that was rejected by the government. The state government remains set on a takeover and is going ahead with plans to sack Rozali, aiming to use its 30 percent stake in Syabas to trigger a vote of no-confidence.

The federal government wants to open tenders for the new plant in a month, but it needs Selangor's permission to proceed.

The state government says the plant would lead to a steep rise in water tariffs and that projections for water consumption and population growth used to justify its construction are too high. Instead, it wants 225 million ringgit from the federal government to upgrade two existing plants and is prepared to add 200-300 million ringgit of its own funds.

Selangor state sources say the level of non-revenue water -- the volume lost before it reaches the customer -- at Syabas is above 33 percent. That measure of efficiency compares with Singapore's 5 percent, Denmark's 6 percent, and even falls short of Bangladesh's 29 percent, they say.

Campaigners against Syabas are urging the company to open its books to show if there really is a shortage.

"Failing to do so would only prove that the water crisis is manufactured," said Charles Santiago, an opposition member of parliament and coordinator of the Coalition Against Water Privatization group.

(Editing by Stuart Grudgings and Jonathan Thatcher)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/malaysia-water-crisis-signals-fierce-fight-richest-state-054510798--sector.html

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10 highly valued soft skills for IT pros | TechRepublic

Takeaway: Today?s IT pro needs both technical expertise and soft skills ? that?s nothing new. But the scope of those in-demand soft skills just keeps growing.

Depending on which company you talk to, there are varying demands for IT technical skills. But there is one common need that most IT organizations have: soft skills. This need is nothing new. As early as three decades ago corporate IT sought out liberal arts graduates to become business and systems analysts so they could ?bridge the communications gap? between programmers and end users. And if you look at the ranks of CIOs, almost half have backgrounds in liberal arts.

So what are the soft skills areas that companies want to see in IT professionals today?

1: Deal making and meeting skills

IT is a matchup of technology and people to produce products that run the company?s business. When people get involved, there are bound to be disagreements and a need to arrive at group consensus. IT?ers who can work with people, find a common ground so projects and goals can be agreed to, and swallow their own egos in the process if need be are in high demand.

2: Great communication skills

The ability to read, write, and speak in clearly and effectively will never go out of style ? especially in IT. IT project annals are filled with failed projects that were good ideas but poorly communicated.

3: A sixth sense about projects

There are formal project management programs that teach people PM methodology. But for most people, it takes several years of project management experience to develop an instinct for how a project is really going. Natural project managers have this sixth sense. In many cases, it is simply a talent that can?t be taught. But when an IT executive discovers a natural project manager who can ?read? the project in the people and the tasks, this person is worth his/her weight in gold.

4: Ergonomic sensitivity

Because its expertise is technical, it is difficult for IT to understand the point of view of a nontechnical user or the conditions in the field that end users face. A business analyst who can empathize with end users, understand the business conditions they work in, and design graphical user interfaces that are easy to learn and use is an asset in application development.

5: Great team player

It?s easy for enclaves of IT professionals to remain isolated in their areas of expertise. Individuals who can transcend these technical silos and work for the good of the team or the project are valued for their ability to see the big picture. They are also viewed as candidates for promotions.

6: Political smarts

Not known as a particularly politically astute group, IT benefits when it hires individuals who can forge strong relationships with different constituencies throughout the company. This relationship building facilitates project cooperation and success.

7: Teaching, mentoring, and knowledge sharing

IT?ers able to teach new applications to users are invaluable in project rollouts. They are also an asset as teaching resources for internal IT. If they can work side by side with others and provide mentoring and support, they become even more valuable ? because the ?real? IT learning occurs on the job and in the trenches. Central to these processes is the willingness to share and the ability to listen and be patient with others as they learn.

8: Resolving ?gray? issues

IT likes to work in binary (black and white). Unfortunately, many of the people issues that plague projects are ?gray.? There is no right or wrong answer, but there is a need to find a place that everyone is comfortable with. Those who can identify and articulate the problem, bring it out in the open, and get it solved are instrumental in shortening project snags and timelines.

9: Vendor management

Few IT or MA programs teach vendor management ? and even fewer IT?ers want to do this. But with outsourcing and vendor management on the rise, IT pros with administrative and management skills who can work with vendors and ensure that SLAs (service level agreements) and KPIs (key performance indicators) are met bring value to performance areas where IT is accountable. They also have great promotion potential.

10: Contract negotiation

The growth of cloud-based solutions has increased the need for contract negotiation skills and legal knowledge. Individuals who bring this skills package to IT are both recognized and rewarded, often with highly paid executive positions.

Source: http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/10things/10-highly-valued-soft-skills-for-it-pros/3353

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The Problem With Condom Jars for 12-Year-Old Kids


I first heard about the Teen Wellness Center at T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, Va., and how the center was offering condoms to patients as young as twelve years old, while watching the Thursday, July 19 ?Culture War? segment on ?The O?Reilly Factor.? The story was also covered a week before it was mentioned on ?The Factor? by CNS News.com. The story is that at this wellness center at T.C. Williams High School, patients of the clinic between the ages of 12 and 19 can help themselves to free condoms in a large jar visible right when walking into the lobby.

In a telephone interview with CNSNews.com, Dr. Stephen Haering, director of the Alexandria Health Department, mentions ?that anybody that?s coming who?s sexually active, we advise them, we highly recommend that they include their parents.? Well, that?s nice that they ?highly recommend? parent involvement. As guest?Gretchen Carlson on ?The Factor? points out, though, ?[h]ere?s the amazing thing[: y]ou need parental consent to get an immunization, a physical, or to participate in sports, but not to get your hands on condoms.? Permission to participate in sports is a big deal, as it is to get an immunization or a physical. But to engage in sexual activity, protected or not, is also quite a big deal ? maybe even more so, what with the emotions involved and the possible physical consequences of sex.

What was also mentioned in the segment when it aired and is in the CNSNews.com article is the fact that it is considered statutory rape, according to the state, for those 15-year-old and under to engage in sex. Yet the clinic states several times that the age bracket for its patients includes those as young as 12-year-old. I understand that the teen clinic is doing its part to protect sexually active teens from disease and pregnancy, but I would prefer some consistency. The article does mention that those 15 and under are referred to Social Services, but if the clinic is to truly protect young teens from state defined rape then proper measures should be put into place to see that the clinic was not promoting this illegal activity.

The second guest on ?The Factor,? Jeanine Pirro, endorsed (albeit reluctantly) condom handouts in school clinics when she said,??I come at this as a judge and a district attorney and we have all seen the consequences of children having children ? abused and neglected children and abortion and sexually transmitted diseases. So the bottom line for me is, I hate it, I don?t like to normalize teen sexual behavior, but let?s deal with the fact that 47% of children in high school have already had sex.?

I agree with Jeanine Pirro in that I don?t like to normalize teen sexual behavior, either. I understand that some teens are going to engage in sex, and I am in no way denying that. I would prefer programs be taught with a focus on abstinence and its benefits rather than those that go into detail about different kinds of sexual activity which students may engage in and use contraception for. I can also see the merits of some more comprehensive programs which do teach students about and remind them to use contraception if they are or are going to be sexually active. We can still acknowledge the fact that some teenagers are having sex without having to normalize the behavior, which handing out free condoms in a large jar does. To me, it says something like, oh, you?re having sex? Don?t worry about taking responsibility and providing birth control for yourself ? we?ll take away that responsibility and do it for you!

I am 21, and thus no longer a teenager. My 19-year-old boyfriend, however, still is one. We both went to public school, where we were taught and reminded about using protection when sexually active, and we are aware of how to prevent diseases and unplanned pregnancies. Neither of our high schools had clinics or health centers that provided free condoms. We also met at Fordham, a Catholic university, which does not provide condoms or birth control at the health center.

However, if we chose to engage in premarital sex, we would still be able to do so while protecting ourselves. I am someone who is against birth control pills because of the health risks associated and other side effects, not to mention the fact that some birth control pills may act as an abortifacient. If I were to go on birth control, though, I would have access to it by filling a prescription from my doctor at a pharmacy or by going to a Title X clinic. Condoms, which are not an age-restricted item, can be purchased at a pharmacy, a grocery store, Target, or Walmart, just to name a few.

My boyfriend and I would be the ones engaging in sex. If we could not afford change needed to buy condoms ourselves, well then the smart and responsible course of action would be not to have sex. Us not being able to acquire condoms would be a funds issue, certainly not an access issue. I do not believe in school clinics providing my boyfriend with free condoms, or in one of our parents buying condoms for us. It is our decision to have sex, and thus, it is our responsibility to take proper precautions and measures.

Let me be clear that I am not against teen condom usage. Condoms protect against unplanned pregnancies and diseases. However, part of the responsibility of the parties engaged in the sexual activity must be an acknowledgment that condoms are not 100 percent effective, even when used correctly, and thus a pregnancy may still result from sexual intercourse even when protection is used. Teens are taught to be responsible with their sexual decisions (which could include remaining abstinent) or at least they should be. I do not see how giving teens handouts of free condoms, and thus inviting them to have sex, is consistent in teaching responsibility for one?s actions and decisions. It also raises the question as to what those engaging in sexual activity will do when they no longer are patients of a teen clinic. They will have to then acquire condoms or birth control on their own. Since it will happen at some point, it may as well happen at the start.

Since there is no issue of access for acquiring contraceptives, I wonder at the need for such clinics in the first place, besides the fact that it takes out the responsibility component. Assuming that these clinics operate where students are already learning about condoms and other forms of birth control, it seems that such clinics may be more than just redundant in reminding students of the value of safe sex. What I find to be the issue, then, is how these school clinics expose teens to sex.

Again, I know that some teens are having sex and the teens who are not know about sex, which is rampant in our culture. There are programs that teach about sex and sexual practices as well, and while such programs may be necessary and helpful in teaching and reminding students about the consequences of sex, they can also go too far?in exposing teens and children even younger to sex.?If these programs are meant to teach about sexuality, what is a clinic that has free condoms visibly available in the lobby? It no longer is merely helpful or necessary, but rather becomes enabling.

I believe that it is absolutely normal for teens to think about sex and have desires. At the same time, though, I do not think it necessary for schools to perpetuate such desires and encourage sexual behavior, which is what they are doing when they provide handouts. Yes, the article mentions that ?teens are told that abstinence is the ?healthiest choice,?? but it doesn?t seem like a school has much respect for abstinence when free condoms are on display and available for the taking. Teens who may have had healthy desires when it came to sex, but still knew it best to control them and remain abstinent, instead are invited to engage in teen sex because of a school clinic that enables them to do so.

I recognize that certain programs which involve teaching about contraception, when run properly and with parents? knowledge and consent, may be necessary and helpful. It is normal and natural for teens to have thoughts, urges and desires when it comes to sexuality, and pretending that it isn?t does nothing to solve any problems. Sexual urges can be controlled, however, and teens can be taught responsibility.

Condom usage is good in the sense that it is an effective (though not 100 percent) measure in protecting unplanned pregnancies and disease. There is, however, a difference between reminding teens about the dangers of unprotected sex and the benefits of using protection, and needlessly exposing teens to sexual behavior that they cannot?responsibly?manage. Teaching teens to be responsible with their decisions ends, though, when handouts of free condoms are provided, thus enabling teens to think that they are entitled to become dependent on others to fund their sexuality.

About Rebecca Downs

Rebecca Downs is a recent graduate of Fordham University, where she was involved in the Respect for Life club there. She is currently looking for a position in the pro-life moment. She first became interested in the Live Action campaign at the March for Life in 2010. This year's March for Life was especially important because she was able to bring along her boyfriend, a pro life convert, for his first March. View all posts by Rebecca Downs ?

Source: http://liveactionnews.org/opinion/the-problem-with-condom-jars-for-12-year-old-kids/

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

EYES ON LONDON: Half of Britain tuned in - and some views from China

LONDON - Around the 2012 Olympics and its host city with journalists from The Associated Press bringing the flavour and details of the games to you:



Who says the collective television event is dead?

The BBC says 27 million people watched its coverage of the Olympic opening ceremony ? almost half the entire British population. That's even more than the 20 million who watched last year's royal wedding.

? Jill Lawless ? Twitter http://twitter.com/JillLawless



The Americans won't waste any time setting the tone for the women's gymnastics competition.

The reigning world champs and gold medal favourites are up first on vault in Sunday's qualifying session. The Americans do the toughest vaults in the world these days, and how they score will immediately give Russia, Romania and defending Olympic champion China an idea of whether they can catch up or not.

?Nancy Armour ? Twitter http://www.twitter.com/nrarmour



Australia's archery coach James Park and a handful of athletes got an early start, heading out on the Tube to Green Park to find a place to cheer along their countrymen participating in the cycling road race.

"We're just spectators today," said Park, who will no doubt be backing sprinter Matt Goss.

Mark Cavendish has a chance to give host Great Britain its first medal. But Goss could challenge if it comes down to a sprint finish.

The race goes through London's streets, then into the Surrey countryside and ends outside Buckingham Palace mid-afternoon.

?Jenna Fryer ? Twitter http://twitter.com/jennafryer



Here's how some users of China's Sina Weibo microblog site felt about the start of the London Olympics:

? Onlooker: "I was most impressed by the opening ceremony of the London Olympic Games which cost only $42 million ? less than half of what was spent at the Beijing Olympic Games."

? Timo in a dream: "Compared to the Beijing Olympic Games, I like the opening ceremony of the London Games which interprets the culture in a simple way and it's easy to understand."

? Fan Fan: "The cost of the London Olympic Games was decided by British taxpayers, but Chinese taxpayers did not even know the cost of the Beijing Games."

? Liurong: "Two different styles, what the Beijing games brought to people was unparalleled."

?Henry Hou



At 7 a.m. fresh-eyed fans were streaming into Olympic Park ready for the action. On their commute, they couldn't help but notice the stragglers going home in the opposite direction. And some were still in party mode.

Near King's Cross station in central London, in an apparent attempt to inject some Winter Olympics ice dance action into the celebrations, one man picked up his girlfriend and straddled her on his shoulders before (successfully) spinning her around two or three times and gently placing her back down on the footpath, giving the early morning travellers their first smiles of the day.

?Dennis Passa ? Twitter http://twitter.com/dennispassa



Beach volleyball in the heart of central London will highlight Olympic competition Saturday, along with the first swimming medals. American rivals Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte will face off in the 400-meter individual medley.

Two-time U.S. defending gold medallist pair Kerri Walsh Jennings and Misty May-Treanor will be the feature match in the beach volleyball grandstand.

"It's amazing. Just this area in itself is so special," Walsh Jennings said. "You have the Horse Guards right there and the changing of the guard and you get to see this and all the historic culture. Really, really cool. I've been picturing this for so long, and to see it in person and have it come alive is awesome."

?Janie McCauley ? Twitter: http://twitter.com/JanieMcCAP


FLASHBACK ? BERLIN 1936: "Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler, attired in a brown uniform and smiling genially, formally launched the Eleventh Olympiad today amid ceremonies dazzlingly brilliant despite dripping skies marked by vividly contrasting demonstrations obviously fraught with political as well as sporting significance. ... The big United States delegation, surpassed in size only by the Germans who formed the procession as rear guard, was accorded a doubtful reception. Changing plans suddenly overnight to avoid the appearance of giving only a modified Nazi salute under the original intentions to extend arms with hats in hand, the Americans reverted to the former custom of doffing their hats and placing them over the heart while giving 'eyes right.'"

? The Associated Press, Aug. 1, 1936



Queen Elizabeth II made her acting debut as a Bond girl in just one take. The 86-year-old monarch appeared as herself in a short film for the London Olympics opening ceremony with James Bond actor Daniel Craig.

In the film, Craig arrived at her private study in Buckingham Palace, where she said "Good evening, Mr. Bond" before the pair boarded a helicopter.

BBC's director of Drama Production, Nicholas Brown, told The Telegraph newspaper that the queen gave a professional performance and "got it in one take."


FLASHBACK - LONDON 1908: "Lord Desbrough marched up with the members of the Executive Committee and said: 'Will Your Majesty graciously declare the Olympic games opened?' In reply the King said: 'I declare the Olympic games of London open.' At the completion of this ceremony cheering broke out from all parts of the stadium. After the demonstration had died down, the athletes gave three cheers for His Majesty, and then marched past the royal box. The men made a splendid appearance, though unfortunately the weather prevented all the competitors from coming out in athletic costumes. The Americans were among those who wore street clothing, but even thus attired the size of the men evoked much favourable comment."

? The Associated Press, July 14, 1908.


EDITOR'S NOTE ? "Eyes on London" shows you the Olympics through the eyes of Associated Press journalists across the 2012 Olympic city and around the world. Follow them on Twitter where available with the handles listed after each item, and get even more AP updates from the Games here: http://twitter.com/AP_Sports

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/eyes-london-half-britain-tuned-views-china-093023075.html

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Law professor Rebecca Tushnet interviewed about fanfic on Reason ...

Fanfic and other original Internet fiction were some of the very first ?e-books?, but ever since copyright owners have started paying more attention to the Internet the relationship with fans has sometimes been a thorny one.

Reason TV has a 7.5-minute interview with Rebecca Tushnet, Georgetown University law professor and long-time legal advocate for fanfiction. (She wrote an article for a law journal back in the ?90s that I believe is one of the first places fanfic was mentioned positively in a legal context.) At the moment, Professor Tushnet is a member of the Organization for Transformative Works, a legal nonprofit dedicated to defending and furthering the cause of fanfic writers.

The interview also touches on some of the problems with today?s extremely-lengthened copyright and restrictive laws like the DMCA. All in all, very interesting viewing.

(Found via Techdirt.)


Source: http://www.teleread.com/copy-right/law-professor-rebecca-tushnet-interviewed-about-fanfic-on-reason-tv/

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Genome of a fruit besieged

The banana genome has been unpeeled. The genetic makeup of Musa acuminata, a fertile banana species that gave rise to the seedless Cavendish and other clonal varieties people eat today, sheds light on the plant?s evolutionary history and ripening process. This information may also help researchers boost the crop?s resistance to fungal and viral pathogens threatening its survival. M. acuminata has 36,542 protein-encoding genes and 235 genes that make small snippets of protein-regulating RNA, called microRNAs, an international team of researchers reports online July 11 in Nature. The team also found the genetic remains of a pathogen called the banana streak virus scattered on 10 of the banana?s 11 chromosomes. ?It?s probably a footprint of an attack that was successful, but the banana somehow overcame it,? says Thomas Givnish, a plant ecologist and evolutionary biologist at the University of Wisconsin?Madison.

Found in: Genes & Cells

Source: http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/342617/title/Genome_of_a_fruit_besieged

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Got an appointment with Vladimir Putin? Better bring a book.

It doesn't matter if you're a business leader, a prime minister, royalty, or even the pope: Russian President Vladimir Putin keeps everyone waiting, sometimes for hours.

By Fred Weir,?Correspondent / July 18, 2012

Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks at a meeting with Russian top military in the Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow, Wednesday, July 18.

Alexei Druzhinin/Presidential Press Service/RIA Novosti/AP


At the Crimean resort of Yalta last Thursday the president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, waited in sweltering heat for his honored guest, Russian President Vladimir Putin, to show up for a scheduled summit to thrash out the two nations' differences over the price of natural gas.

Skip to next paragraph Fred Weir


Fred Weir has been the Monitor's Moscow correspondent, covering Russia and the former Soviet Union, since 1998.?

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And he waited, along with all his officials, for four hours after the meeting was supposed to begin. Eventually, Mr. Putin showed up, and someone explained to the Ukrainians that he'd stopped to "drink a glass" with a group of Russian bikers known as the "Night Wolves" on his way to the summit.

That incident might be put down to a quirk of Russian-Ukrainian relations, which are quite strained these days over the price of gas and other issues.

But since coming to power 12 years ago, Putin has developed a consistent reputation for keeping everybody waiting, sometimes for hours, including Russians of every social station, foreign leaders, global corporate executives, the queen of England, and even, once, the pope.

The now-three term Russian leader's habitual lateness has seldom been made an issue of and goes widely unreported. Supporters say it's really his only personal vice, while critics argue that the Russian media ? which often covered Putin's episodes of tardiness during his long-ago first term of office ? has since clammed up about it out of fear of offending the Kremlin.

We only happen to know about the incident in Crimea last week because a few outraged Ukrainian officials have chosen to make an issue of it.

"Rather than rush to a meeting, a stop was made to drink a glass with bikers.? In my opinion, it is a diplomatic slap in the face or just plain rudeness. This is a manifestation of abnormal relations," former Foreign Minister Volodymyr Ogryzko told a press conference in Kiev last Friday.

"President Putin exceeded the limits of a delay. He went to meet with motorheads and their friends, showing his priorities," in Ukraine, Emergency Situations Minister Viktor Baloga wrote on his Facebook page, according to AFP.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/csmonitor/globalnews/~3/_SjY2sQWoTA/Got-an-appointment-with-Vladimir-Putin-Better-bring-a-book

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Source: http://www.forum.drinkdriving.org/drink-driving-news/44733.htm

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Expert Opinion: If Rupert Sanders is distraught and valued his ...

Yesterday, when Kristen Stewart and Rupert Sanders both separately issued groveling apologies to their respective partners, it seemed that they were doing everything they could with the ?power of the written word (if, indeed, they had any input into them) to make it clear that their affair was a mistake? a BIG mistake!?

But did we really buy into their indescribable regret over acting on their attraction for one another at the risk of hurting their loved ones?

We consulted?Dr. Reef Karim,?The Sex, Drugs & Relationships Doctor and?Psychiatrist & Relationship Expert, to get his take on the affair; whether Stewart and Sanders wanted to get caught; and can either couple come out of this mess in one piece.

Here is our interview with him?.

Celebzter: Kristin and Rupert are both in relationships, so why would they cheat? Is it a sign that they aren?t happy at home?

Dr. Reef Karim:?People cheat for many reasons.

Cheating and affairs in a relationship are usually a symptom of a larger problem with the couple. The most common symptoms are problems with: trust, feeling respected, poor communication, impulsivity and difficulties with conflict resolution. Any of these are a potential problem requiring work and an open dialogue by the couple.

Celebzter: Do you think Kristen and Robert?s relationship can survive?

Dr. Reef Karim:?This was a pretty big deal because it was people they know well, as a couple, and it was so public. But, almost any relationship can be salvaged if both parties are willing to really work on the relationship. This one, however, won?t be easy.

Celebzter: When infidelity happens, how can a couple try to make it work?

Dr. Reef Karim:?The key to working with infidelity is to understand why it happened. Was it pre-determined or impulsive? Was alcohol or drugs involved? ?Who was it and how do you know them? Is it an emotional relationship or only physical? What is it about our relationship that may have contributed to this happening? ?After these and other questions are answered, the next step is open communication and sometimes professional help.

?Celebzter: What makes it worse is that Rupert?s wife was in the film and Rupert said that the four I.e robert, Kristen, Rupert and his wife Liberty) all became friends?.does that make the sting even worse because the deception is greater?

Dr. Reef Karim:?The discovery of an affair is a bad time for anyone. But, if the affair involves a friend and the deception is significant, the betrayal is that much worse. The sting and repair are definitely more complicated because friendships may be dissolved.

Celebzter: Kristin and Robert Pattinson have never come out and confirmed publicly that they are a couple, what does that say about their relationships?

?Dr. Reef Karim:?The declaration ?we are officially a couple? is overrated. Especially in the celebrity community. You can have a perfectly healthy relationship without making it public. But, if one member of the couple hides the relationship from others for ulterior motives (like I?m leaving my options open to date other people), then you have a problem.

Celebzter: But yesterday, she confirmed that she loved him and realizes that she put their relationship in jeopardy?..is it too little too late?

Dr. Reef Karim:?They definitely ?need to talk? to gain an understanding of why this happened, what?s the problem with the relationship, can the trust be repaired and what to do in the future. The fact that the betrayal was so public doesn?t help.

Celebzter: And what to make of Rupert?s statement?

Dr. Reef Karim:?Clearly, if he was distraught and valued his marriage he wouldn?t have cheated in the first place?

When people cheat, they usually aren?t thinking, they?re acting on impulse (unless it?s a long-term affair). Being with an attractive person, on set, for an extended period of time requires self-restraint. And, per reports, that didn?t seem to happen in this situation.

Celebzter: They were caught making out in public, it?s almost like they wanted to get caught, right? Who would do that otherwise?

Dr. Reef Karim:?Primal impulses make you do crazy things like make out in public when one celebrity is married and the other is in a relationship. In other words, the passion (and maybe alcohol?) makes you do things that you wouldn?t normally do.

Celebzter: What should Rob do? What should Rupert?s wife do? Should they forgive the other half? Or walk out?

?Dr. Reef Karim:?Everyone in this situation needs to focus on their own family and relationship and work on repairing the trust by openly communicating and possibly getting some professional help with the relationship. There?s a lot of betrayal here that needs to be worked out.

Follow Dr. Reef on Twitter:?Twitter @DrReef

And to find out more about him, visit the below?



Melissa Myers has worked as an entertainment journalist for ten years, both in London and New York. She has done a daily gossip column on British newspaper the Daily Star where she interviewed everyone from Tom Cruise and George Clooney to Simon Cowell and Jennifer Lopez. She also worked as the News Director of In Touch in New York for the past six years, before launching her own site www.celebzter.com, which aims to provide smart content for smart women.


Source: http://celebzter.com/expert-opinion-if-rupert-sanders-is-distraught-and-valued-his-marriage-he-wouldnt-have-cheated-in-the-first-place/

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

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Source: http://articlereference.net/health-fitness/basic-home-elevators-acne-breakouts-skincare.html

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The Economy, Marijuana and the Youth Vote: All Tied Up in Colorado

ANALYSIS | Colorado: It's a quintessentially purple state with a libertarian streak as wide as the Rockies. Split down the middle by the Continental Divide, so too are its voters nearly evenly divided between President Barack Obama and presumed Republican nominee Mitt Romney. According to a recent Purple Strategies poll, the president is currently clinging to a 1-point lead over his GOP rival in the Centennial State, and who voters support depends largely on where they live.

"Where you stand depends on where you sit in Colorado," Colorado State University economist Martin Shields told the Associated Press in Ft. Collins. "If you give a talk in Boulder, everyone thinks [Obama's] great. If you give a talk in Colorado Springs, everyone thinks he's awful."

But everywhere in Colorado, one issue will loom largest come November 6: the economy. And like its politics, the state's economy-- and the outlook of its workers-- varies markedly by geographic location. The northeastern part of the state is enjoying a major oil boom, with two companies announcing that they will invest a whopping $15 billion in drilling operations in Weld County alone.

Colorado farmers are also enjoying record crop prices, especially for corn, although the drought that is devastating much of the nation and a plague of grasshoppers are threatening their livelihood.

Down in Pueblo, it's quite another story. Unemployment here is a staggering 12.2 percent, well above the national rate of 8.2 percent. But even here, there are signs of hope. Vestas, a Danish wind-energy giant, has opened the world's largest wind turbine tower plant in Pueblo. Some 470 jobs have been created. It's a drop in the bucket, but overall, state officials say that Colorado has recovered nearly half of the 151,600 jobs lost in the recession.

Pointing to the state's shaky economy, supporters of Amendment 64, a statewide ballot initiative that would legalize the recreational use of marijuana and regulate and tax it like alcohol argue that passing the measure could generate as much as $80 million in annual tax revenue. According to a June Rasmussen poll, fully 61 percent of Colorado voters favor legalization.

This is no surprise in places like Boulder and Denver, where there are more medical marijuana dispensaries than there are Starbucks, but support for legalization isn't just limited to the Mile "High" City. Down in Colorado Springs, one of the nation's most conservative cities, there are nearly as many medical marijuana dispensaries as there are churches. For many conservatives here, and throughout the state, the issue of government intrusion trumps concerns about marijuana use. Many Coloradans bristle at what they see as federal government overreach in this, the birthplace of the Libertarian Party.

With a combination of laid-back liberals and anti-government conservatives and libertarians, there's a chance that Amendment 64 might just pass. But more importantly, the measure could bring young voters out to the polls in droves. That could bode well for President Obama, although many young people here are dismayed and disappointed by the Justice Department's crackdown on medical marijuana, something Obama had promised to take a hands-off approach to earlier in his presidency. The president's hypocrisy on the issue -- he has admitted to being a pretty serious stoner in his youth -- also rankles young voters.

Still, the president fares much better on this issue than does his opponent. Not only has Mitt Romney promised to continue the War on Drugs, he also flippantly dismissed Colorado's heated marijuana legalization debate as "unimportant" during a recent visit to the state. That rubbed many Coloradans raw and did little to improve perceptions of Romney as "out of touch." Indeed, the economy, marijuana and the youth vote are inextricably tied up and could tie break in Colorado come November 6.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/economy-marijuana-youth-vote-tied-colorado-212100696.html

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Knowing More About Commercial Loan Rates and ... - Fit Finance

Article by Jonathan Latimer

There are actually lots of financing alternatives accessible for new and existing businesses out there, at one point in their existence they might need to have business capital to either help them expand or start off their businesses and let it reach its optimum growth. This is indeed something that?s of good nature to most businesses as it allows them to borrow money and let their investments roll forward, nonetheless there are actually variables that you should think about before you even go on and make that choice, and this factor is known in the industry as commercial loan rates. These rates help you better in discerning what financing choice to choose, as you may know every single penny counts and knowing need to pay for these loan rates it is essential that you are agreeable to the loan rates that will be given out to your funding solution. The rates to which a loan can be acquired for your financial needs for your business are most normally or properly known as commercial loan rates. Loans are made to provide capital flow for the lots of business needs that you might have or for factors like enlargement or if a businessman wants to go into a different venture. Some of the funding from these said loans will go into office supplies, raw materials and the office space and any other financial mended needs.

One of the most popular commercial loan these days is industrial equipment financing. This is really applicable to most businesses that use different equipments in the operation of their business as well as the production of their products. This kind of loan is made to fit and meet the demands of many businesses despite having a poor credit standing or you only operate on a sporadic basis only.

There are certain plans designed to deal with the differing requires of newer companies in order for them to be successful. Commercial real estate loans, just like industrial equipment financing come with different rates of interest and these rates rely on the lender, how the market is and so many other components. There are lots of financing options to select from you just really have to be sure on what plan as well as corresponding rates you can ideal work with. You wouldn?t choose to get on a specific plan that has impressive rates and fees that you need to settle. Go ahead and be informed, take your part and make sure you will reach the best financial good results and gain possible.

About the Author

To know more information about Commercial Lenders and Commercial Loan visit http://www.commerciallendingx.com.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author?s information and copyright must be included.

Source: http://www.fit-finance.com/knowing-more-about-commercial-loan-rates-and-knowing-financing-possibilities-that-are-available/

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If a Shark Ever Tries to Eat You, Just Feed It Your Expensive Underwater Camera Rig Instead [Video]

If you're squeamish about expensive camera gear getting destroyed, or large underwater creatures with rows of razor sharp teeth, you'll definitely want to skip this clip. It's kind of a PSA about the dangers of swimming with sharks, except that it probably doesn't end how you'd except. More »

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Real Estate: Know The House You're Buying

It is possible to over-research when buying a house? Are you merely putting it off because of your fears? Perhaps. Otherwise, the more you know about the purchase you?re getting ready to make, the better. The number one thing that separates a successful real estate purchase from one you?ll regret is research. What?s especially frustrating is that most homeowners know almost instantly upon moving in whether or not they?ve made a mistake. They realize it on their first night in the house, when the freight train rumbles past at 2:00 in the morning or when they realize their neighbors are the type to hold concerts in the front yard. Don?t make yourself susceptible to regret. Here are some ways to know the house you?re buying.

Make Regular Visits

You?ve seen what the house looks like at 10:00 in the morning on a Wednesday. What more do you know? Unless that?s the only time you plan to be home, you need further investigation. A quiet neighborhood in the middle of the week could turn into a block party on the weekend. Go back and visit several times, at various times of day. Park and stay a while. What kinds of neighborly activity happen on Saturday night? How many screaming kids are running up and down the streets in the afternoons after school? No neighborhood is going to be perfect, but you should make sure you aren?t about to buy real estate in a place you?ll hate.

Chat With the Neighbors

Observation isn?t going to tell you everything. Knock on some doors and see what people have to say about the neighborhood. If you realize that renters surround you, you know right away that you can?t count on things to stay the way they are now. Even if that?s not the case, the neighbors may be able to tell you some things you can?t tell from the outside. You may even realize quickly that the people you?re talking to are not people you would like to live near. Then again, they could simply reaffirm that you?re making the right choice.

Interview the Sellers

At some point, you should sit down with the sellers and make them spill their guts. Ask them why they are choosing to sell? Watch carefully for any signs of deceit. People usually have a very good reason for making a life change this significant. If they sort of glance at each other and avoid the question, you know something is amiss. Ask about any problems they?ve had with the house. You deserve to know what you?re getting into. Let them know you?ll be hiring a home inspector, which will hopefully persuade them to be honest about its history. These questions and answers can save you from making a real estate choice you?ll regret.

Learn more about the neighborhood before you buy and learn more about Mississippi Gulf Coast real estate?at:?http://www.gardnerrealtors.com.

Tagged as: mississippi gulf coast real estate

Source: http://www.articlesrx.com/real-estate-know-the-house-youre-buying/9020

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Foreclosure reduction mitigation organization opportunities are all ...

Tampa, FL ? There is lots of speak in the media about the real estate investing marketplace and also the escalating number of bank foreclosures. The media is showing a negative outlook around the true estate marketplace since they are saying that residence sales are slow.

The common general public believes this for the reason that through a downturn it will take for a longer time to offer houses simply because you?ll find a lot more properties available. There are actually many bank foreclosures and reo attributes in the marketplace which has extra for the inventory. Wise foreclosure traders know this is all BS because they understand that a dwelling can offer equally as rapid if it has a lot more publicity within the market place. The cause why houses don?t have as considerably publicity within a slow market than inside an incredibly hot marketplace is simply because the homes have a lot more competitors. The truth from the matter is; Now will be the ideal time to acquire started in actual estate foreclosure investing for the reason that the opportunities to create enormous earnings and prosperity is endless.

To get a Free Foreclosure Training program, go right here at the moment Bank Foreclosures.

Far more millionaires have already been created in a down real estate market by buying expense houses than another marketplace. Anyone can make massive profits in a down actual estate marketplace should they consider a while to visit real estate investing classes. The most popular class to show up at right now is on brief sale education.

A foreclosure short sale is whenever a lender accepts less than what?s owed on the home loan. It?s a vital portion of any actual estate foreclosure investing method in today?s marketplace since 95% of all houses getting into foreclosure have equity in them. Short Sale training can individual the guys from the boys in terms of generating it significant in present-day actual estate foreclosure investing market.

It usually essential to have a mentor when buying investment qualities or if you are a real estate investing beginner. Obtaining guidance on real estate investing could make or break your new entrepreneurial venture mainly because you have got to understand you make money on the house when you acquire it and also you understand it whenever you sell it. If you get homes the incorrect way or overpay for an expense residence, you might be placing yourself inside a risky position.

Foreclosure loss mitigation enterprise opportunities are all about us. A lot of people do not know this sector exists. Or they listen to negative issues within the media about how foreclosure traders rip off house owners by stealing their homes. Nicely that?s what the media?s task is.

They have to have to spin the tales to produce it more interesting for the men and women viewing their exhibits so that they do not go to an additional channel. When they visit yet another channel, they will get decrease prices and much less funds from their advertisers. So choose every little thing with a grain of salt. You will need to deal with everybody you support having a foreclosure listing with respect and never reap the benefits of them. That is why the media has so significantly to mention about bank foreclosures.

To obtain a Free Foreclosure Coaching program, go here at this time Bank Foreclosures.

Loss Mitigation will be the department in the home loan firm that negotiates the defaulted bank loan or personal loan in foreclosure with home owners. The Loss mitigation division negotiates real estate short sales for their bank or their trader. Negotiating with mortgage companies gets into sophisticated foreclosure coaching for the reason that if the reduction mitigation specialist working at the bank finds out that you simply really are a true estate investing newbie, they?re going to benefit from you.

Real estate investing newbies may also commit inside a foreclosure course should they can not dedicate some time from their schedule to show up at a foreclosure class or other real estate investing courses. The ideal investment to get a true estate investing beginner would be to obtain a foreclosure investing brief sale program. This really is the most beneficial guidance on actual estate investing you could get for present-day quickly exploding foreclosures industry. Brief sale training is often known as reduction mitigation training.

There are resources on the web free of charge foreclosure listings, nonetheless you?ve to remember; ?You get everything you spend for.? Ordinarily these free of charge foreclosure listings are not correct simply because they compile these no cost foreclosure listings from previous info from general public sources. The most effective strategy to locate excellent foreclosure listings is from your local courthouse. In some areas, you will discover corporations that visit the courthouse for you personally and can market the foreclosure leads to you. The most essential thing is the fact that you will get the foreclosure listings every day.

We are within the greatest real estate marketplace you may see in your life time. You are able to get started your own foreclosure investing small business at the moment. You don?t want very good credit, a huge amount of cash, or any encounter to acquire began for the reason that all Foreclosure deals are down with no funds down when you that the correct foreclosure training.

Are you likely to let this when in a lifetime opportunity to help distressed home owners and make a ton of cash alongside the way in which pass you by?

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Source: http://articlereference.net/sports-2/foreclosure-reduction-mitigation-organization-opportunities-are-all-about-us.html

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