Sunday, January 27, 2013

Local Recreational Results: Swimming - The Sports Desk

Local Recreational Results: Swimming


Regency Park Swim Team participated in the meet on Jan. 19?20 at the Freedom Center, in Manassas.

    Banzon, Christina (12): 50 Back 33.84, 6th;
    Bolick, Brandon (13): 200 Breast , 2:50.13, 2th; 50 Free 28.30, 7th; 100 Back 1:13.32, 7th; 200 IM , 2:36.10, 4th; 100 Breast 1:19.98, 3th;
    Brown, Madison (10): 100 Free 1:15.93, 8th; 50 Free 35.02, 1st; 100 Back 1:20.38, 2th; 50 Back 37.09, 3th; 50 Breast 49.34, 8th;
    Carney, Kyle (10): 200 Free , 2:56.11, 4th; 50 Back 45.54, 8th;
    Clarkson, Annabella (11): 100 Breast 1:30.33, 4th;
    Cole, Emma (12): 200 Back , 3:21.72, 8th;
    Cole, Holly (16): 100 Fly 1:05.58, 7th; 200 Breast , 2:46.44, 7th; 200 IM , 2:27.87, 8th;
    Cole, Nathan (9): 200 Free , 3:05.65, 8th;
    Daniel, Isabella (8): 100 IM 1:39.64, 7th; 25 Breast 24.73, 3th;
    Darensbourg, Kennedy (10): 100 Free 1:21.13, 2th; 200 IM , 3:19.38, 7th; 200 Free , 2:51.20, 8th; 100 Fly 1:46.83, 6th;
    Durocher, Darren (12): 100 Fly 58.65, 1st; 100 Free 52.97, 1st; 100 Back 59.57, 1st; 50 Breast 31.60, 1st; 100 IM 58.79, 1st; 50 Back 27.07, 1st; 100 Breast 1:08.45, 1st; 50 Fly 25.73, 1st;
    Durocher, Jordan (8): 50 Back 39.22, 1st; 50 Free 34.47, 1st; 100 Free 1:16.02, 1st;
    Durocher, Troy (9): 100 Free 1:13.59, 4th; 100 Back 1:29.62, 2th; 50 Back 40.04, 1st; 50 Breast 48.69, 6th; 100 Fly 1:49.25, 3th;
    Durocher, William (14): 100 Fly 1:01.25, 2th; 400 IM , 4:26.05, 1st; 100 Back 58.34, 1st; 200 Fly , 2:13.46, 2th; 500 Free , 5:06.84, 1st;
    Eissler, Rachael (14): 50 Free 31.18, 8th;
    Eissler, Steven (17): 100 Back 1:09.02, 2th;
    Elliott, Brandon (11): 50 Free 31.17, 6th;
    Elliott, Lindsay (14): 200 Breast , 2:55.65, 7th;
    Fluharty, William (7): 25 Back 23.19, 8th; 50 Back 49.35, 7th;
    George, Jeffrey (11): 100 Free 1:08.50, 4th; 500 Free , 6:43.05, 6th;
    Hudak, Cole (10): 50 Fly 39.77, 2th; 200 IM , 3:21.54, 7th; 100 Back 1:26.98, 5th; 50 Back 41.07, 7th; 100 Fly 1:31.14, 5th;
    Hudak, Maxwell (17): 200 Free , 1:54.98, 4th; 400 IM , 4:39.22, 2th; 100 Back 59.22, 7th; 200 IM , 2:10.09, 4th; 200 Back , 2:07.78, 5th; 500 Free , 5:25.43, 7th;
    Hudak, Ryan (12): 100 Fly 1:17.80, 3th; 200 Back , 2:58.11, 4th; 50 Fly 34.01, 3th;
    Hudson, Trevor (8): 100 IM 1:30.28, 2th; 50 Back 44.67, 2th; 50 Fly 39.93, 1st; 100 Free 1:22.38, 2th;
    Jones, Courtney (15): 200 Free , 2:07.52, 5th; 50 Free 26.20, 4th; 100 Back 1:04.01, 3th; 100 Free 56.90, 7th; 200 Back , 2:30.84, 8th;
    Kilkenney, Kari (10): 50 Free 36.85, 7th; 100 Back 1:32.71, 3th; 50 Back 42.95, 4th;
    Kilkenney, Kaylee (12): 50 Free 31.85, 6th; 100 Back 1:18.38, 2th; 100 IM 1:19.91, 7th;
    King, Rachael (14): 100 Free 1:06.84, 2th; 200 IM , 2:42.31, 3th;
    Kyer, Michael (11): 50 Free 29.83, 1st; 100 IM 1:18.51, 5th; 500 Free , 6:34.76, 3th;
    Lee, Andy (11): 50 Breast 41.86, 7th;
    Loving, Catherine (14): 100 Fly 1:11.27, 4th; 200 Fly , 2:46.85, 3th;
    McCloskey, Rylie (7): 25 Fly 24.14, 8th;
    McKinnon, Colin (15): 200 Breast , 2:22.77, 3th; 100 Back 1:10.76, 3th; 100 Breast 1:05.20, 3th; 500 Free , 5:24.70, 1st;
    Muilenburg, Nicole (15): 200 Free , 2:08.27, 6th; 200 Breast , 2:42.74, 2th; 100 Free 58.21, 8th; 200 IM , 2:25.37, 6th; 100 Breast 1:14.56, 4th;
    Paterson, Carolyn (13): 100 Fly 1:06.01, 3th; 200 Breast , 2:43.32, 4th; 50 Free 27.32, 8th; 100 Free 59.10, 7th; 200 IM , 2:22.91, 3th; 100 Breast 1:16.11, 4th;
    Pearcy, David (13): 200 Free , 1:58.53, 3th; 50 Free 24.95, 2th;
    Peck, Dylan (13): 100 Fly 1:02.60, 5th; 200 Breast , 2:35.66, 1st; 100 Back 1:03.31, 3th; 100 Free 54.80, 4th; 200 IM , 2:14.10, 4th; 100 Breast 1:12.22, 4th;
    Peck, Garrett (8): 25 Breast 27.01, 5th; 25 Fly 23.79, 6th; 50 Free 40.75, 2th;
    Peck, Kyle (7): 25 Fly 21.03, 2th;
    Pennington, Summer (15): 200 IM , 2:37.95, 2th; 100 Breast 1:20.88, 2th;
    Perdomo, Cristal (9): 50 Fly 35.81, 2th; 100 Breast 1:41.57, 2th; 200 IM , 3:05.00, 6th; 100 IM 1:24.64, 5th; 50 Back 39.50, 8th; 50 Breast 46.50, 7th; 100 Fly 1:25.15, 3th;
    Perdomo, Natalia (13): 200 Back , 2:40.73, 3th;
    Price, Ryan (15): 200 Back , 2:59.37, 7th;
    Ross, Garrett (14): 100 Fly 1:06.76, 3th; 50 Free 25.01, 3th; 100 Free 54.11, 2th; 200 Fly , 2:42.39, 4th;
    Ross, Noah (12): 100 Free 1:08.71, 5th; 50 Free 31.31, 7th; 100 IM 1:18.56, 6th;
    Sandoval, Alice (11): 100 Fly 1:15.79, 8th; 200 Breast , 2:57.34, 4th; 50 Free 28.57, 5th; 100 Back 1:10.35, 3th; 100 IM 1:11.15, 4th; 50 Back 31.87, 1st; 50 Fly 31.19, 2th;
    Schmidt, Valerie (12): 100 Fly 1:22.71, 3th; 200 Fly , 3:02.15, 6th;
    Shearer, Jordan (13): 100 Fly 1:09.69, 2th; 200 Free , 2:26.97, 2th; 100 Back 1:11.71, 2th; 200 IM , 2:38.73, 1st; 200 Back , 2:41.85, 6th;
    Simila, Brooke (10): 200 IM , 3:05.11, 2th; 50 Free 34.03, 6th; 100 Back 1:26.23, 1st;
    Smith, Eric (12): 100 Free 1:08.14, 3th; 50 Back 36.57, 8th; 100 Breast 1:25.32, 2th;
    Statler, Sarah (10): 200 Free , 3:01.84, 8th;
    Traeger, Matthew (10): 100 Breast 1:42.99, 3th;
    Turbyfill, Andrew (10): 50 Fly 46.67, 8th; 200 IM , 3:13.22, 3th; 100 Back 1:30.07, 6th; 200 Free , 2:56.10, 3th; 50 Back 40.66, 6th;
    Turbyfill, David (14): 200 Free , 1:55.38, 1st; 400 IM , 4:48.12, 2th; 100 Back 1:04.24, 4th; 100 Free 54.17, 3th; 200 IM , 2:14.33, 5th; 500 Free , 5:09.26, 2th;
    Urian, Maddie (11): 200 IM , 2:53.39, 7th; 100 Back 1:18.58, 3th;
    Van, CoraDeusen (13): 50 Free 30.45, 3th;
    Weber, Margo (12): 200 Breast , 2:49.85, 2th; 200 IM , 2:37.86, 5th; 50 Free 29.08, 6th; 100 Back 1:10.61, 4th; 100 IM 1:13.20, 8th; 50 Back 33.13, 3th; 100 Breast 1:20.22, 3th; 50 Fly 33.28, 7th;
    Wilcox, Justin (12): 100 Fly 1:19.40, 5th; 200 IM , 2:41.05, 1st; 100 Back 1:18.48, 5th; 200 Free , 2:25.76, 3th; 100 IM 1:14.20, 1st; 50 Back 35.41, 3th; 50 Fly 33.85, 2th;
    Wilcox, Landon (16): 200 Breast , 2:39.07, 7th;
    Wilcox, Macy (9): 100 Free 1:20.04, 1st; 200 IM , 3:14.98, 4th; 100 Back 1:33.48, 5th; 200 Free , 2:57.60, 4th; 50 Breast 48.25, 2th;
    Yankovich, Katrina (12): 100 Free 59.72, 1st; 50 Free 27.48, 1st; 100 Back 1:11.23, 6th; 100 IM 1:11.59, 5th; 50 Back 34.00, 7th; 100 Breast 1:23.08, 7th; 50 Fly 33.76, 2th;

The Sharks Swim Team participated in the meet on Jan. 19?20 at the Freedom Center in Manassas:

    Ball, James (13): 200 Breast, 3:06.93, 8th; 200 Fly, 3:11.91, 8th; 500 Free, 6:16.85, 5th.
    Born, Catherine (16): 100 Free, 1:25.21, 6th.
    Born, Isabel (11): 200 Breast, 3:24.75, 8th; 50 Breast, 41.17, 7th; 200 Back, 3:14.89, 7th; 100 Breast, 1:30.64, 6th.
    Born, Rebekah (13): 500 Free, 7:09.40, 8th.
    Born, Sarah (9): 100 Free, 1:22.55, 5th; 100 Back, 1:34.26, 8th; 50 Back, 41.94, 2nd.
    Day, John (8): 100 IM, 1:46.82, 8th; 50 Breast, 58.33, 3rd; 50 Free, 42.73, 6th.
    Foley, Sean (12): 200 IM, 2:56.96, 8th; 200 Back, 3:00.94, 5th.
    Kratowicz, Danielle (13): 200 Free, 2:23.76, 1st; 200 IM, 2:46.32, 4th.
    Kratowicz, Owen (15): 100 Fly, 1:10.10, 5th; 200 Free, 2:16.41, 3rd; 200 Breast, 2:48.96, 4th; 50 Free, 27.37, 3rd; 100 Free, 1:00.37, 4th; 200 Fly, 2:43.01, 3rd; 200 Back, 2:37.78, 4th; 100 Breast, 1:18.11, 3rd.
    Lohr, Dyan (11): 100 Fly, 1:15.87, 2nd; 50 Free, 29.60, 7th; 100 Back, 1:15.51, 2nd; 200 Free, 2:29.94, 8th; 50 Back, 34.13, 6th; 200 Back, 2:45.68, 1st; 50 Fly, 31.50, 3rd.
    Mitchell, Richard (7): 25 Back, 23.00, 4th; 50 Free, 42.29, 5th.
    Morrison, Steven (14): 200 Fly, 2:54.21, 5th; 100 Breast, 1:14.46, 7th.
    Sherwood, Matt (12): 100 Free, 1:07.70, 2nd; 200 IM, 2:55.11, 6th; 50 Free, 30.58, 4th; 200 Free, 2:29.53, 6th; 100 IM, 1:19.07, 7th.
    Smolen, Daryn (11): 50 Back, 36.07, 7th.
    Wanner, Rebecca (13): 200 Free, 2:33.20, 8th; 50 Free, 30.70, 5th.

The Rappahannock Area YMCA Stingrays (RAYS) participated in the meet on Jan. 19?20 at the Freedom Aquatic and Fitness Center in Manassas.

    Nicholas Ashton (13): 13-14 100 Fly 1:09.28Y 6th; 13-14 200 Free 2:12.74Y 2nd; 13-14 100 Back 1:12.49Y 5th; 13-14 100 Free 1:01.21Y 4th; 13-14 200 IM 2:33.30Y 3rd; 13-14 200 Back 2:40.03Y 5th; 13-14 500 Free 5:47.15Y 2nd.
    Ryan Barry (15): 15 & Over 100 Fly 1:12.31Y 7th; 15 & Over 200 Free 2:16.65Y 4th; 15 & Over 50 Free 26.93Y 1st; 15 & Over 200 IM 2:39.79Y 5th; 15 & Over 200 Back 2:34.44Y 3rd.
    Pia Basilica (12): 11-12 100 Free 1:09.43Y 7th.
    Devin Bateman (9): 9-10 50 Fly 38.51Y 1st; 9-10 100 Free 1:20.94Y 6th; 9-10 50 Free 35.13Y 5th; 9-10 100 Back 1:36.08Y 7th; 9-10 100 IM 1:30.48Y 4th; 9-10 50 Back 42.78Y 3rd; 9-10 50 Breast 48.84Y 7th; 9-10 100 Fly 1:35.51Y 2nd.
    Ian Bennett (7): 8 & Under 25 Fly 24.16Y 7th; 8 & Under 50 Back 47.32Y 5th; 8 & Under 50 Free 41.55Y 4th.
    Kevin Bennett (11): 11-12 100 IM 1:18.16Y 4th; 11-12 200 Back 2:50.75Y 3rd; 11-12 50 Fly 34.54Y 4th.
    Caroline Bentz (10): 9-10 500 Free 6:24.09Y 1st.
    Gunther Braendel (8): 8 & Under 100 IM 1:38.31Y 3rd; 8 & Under 50 Back 45.24Y 3rd; 8 & Under 50 Free 37.01Y 1st; 8 & Under 100 Free 1:26.21Y 3rd.
    Connor Brooks (11): 11-12 50 Fly 35.78Y 6th.
    Kinsey Brooks (10): 9-10 50 Fly 32.76Y 1st; 9-10 100 Free 1:10.35Y 1st; 9-10 200 IM 2:56.63Y 2nd; 9-10 50 Free 31.26Y 1st; 9-10 50 Back 34.82Y 1st; 9-10 50 Breast 38.49Y 1st; 9-10 500 Free 7:17.30Y 3rd;
    Olav Brooks (8): 8 & Under 25 Back 22.13Y 3rd; 8 & Under 25 Breast 24.47Y 2nd; 8 & Under 25 Free 18.31Y 4th; 8 & Under 25 Fly 20.56Y 1st.
    Cole Callahan (12): 11-12 100 Free 1:09.32Y 6th; 11-12 200 IM 2:42.24Y 2nd; 11-12 100 Back 1:16.88Y 4th; 11-12 100 IM 1:19.44Y 8th; 11-12 50 Fly 35.37Y 11-12 50 Fly 5th.
    Jacob Campbell (15): 15 & Over 400 IM 5:18.32Y 1st; 15 & Over 100 Free 58.19Y 2nd; 15 & Over 200 Fly 2:25.17Y 1st; 15 & Over 500 Free 5:34.15Y 2nd.
    Tessa Campbell (9): 9-10 100 Free 1:22.77Y 6th; 9-10 200 Free 2:56.70Y 3rd.
    Carlie Clements (8): 8 & Under 25 Back 19.77Y 1st; 8 & Under 25 Breast 23.05Y 2nd; 8 & Under 25 Free 16.81Y 2nd; 8 & Under 25 Fly 19.11Y 2nd.
    Abigail Craig (13): 13-14 200 Free 2:28.31Y 3rd; 13-14 200 Breast 3:08.03Y 8th.
    Isaac Craig (15): 15 & Over 100 Fly 1:12.44Y 8th; 15 & Over 200 Free 2:09.14Y 1st; 15 & Over 50 Free 27.92Y 4th; 15 & Over 100 Back 1:16.60Y 6th; 15 & Over 100 Free 59.14Y 3rd; 15 & Over 200 IM 2:34.04Y 4th; 15 & Over 500 Free 5:49.81Y 3rd.
    Autumn Delellis (12): 11-12 100 Free 1:08.05Y 3rd.
    Abby Dickinson (10): 9-10 100 Breast 1:39.72Y 6th; 9-10 50 Free 35.20Y 2nd; 9-10 100 IM 1:32.44Y 3rd.
    Gillian Downs (15): 15 & Over 400 IM 5:17.99Y 4th.
    Ben Eichberg (9): 9-10 200 Free 2:58.89Y 6th; 9-10 50 Back 44.90Y 6th.
    Dylan Eichberg (12): 11-12 200 Fly 2:22.26Y 1st.
    Logan Euker (9): 9-10 100 Free 1:16.29Y 1st; 9-10 100 Breast 1:36.93Y 2nd; 9-10 200 IM 3:15.85Y 5th; 9-10 100 Back 1:37.75Y 8th; 9-10 200 Free 2:48.51Y 2nd; 9-10 100 IM 1:31.89Y 6th; 9-10 50 Back 45.18Y 7th; 9-10 50 Breast 43.93Y 2nd.
    Moira Euker (11): 11-12 100 Fly 1:29.85Y 5th; 11-12 50 Free 31.81Y 5th; 6:42.55Y 3rd.
    Patrick Foreman (13): 13-14 50 Free 27.55Y 4th.
    Jakob Frick (9): 9-10 50 Fly 46.25Y 7th; 9-10 100 Free 1:16.94Y 1st; 9-10 100 Breast 1:35.80Y 1st; 9-10 50 Free 35.52Y 6th; 9-10 100 IM 1:31.76Y 5th; 9-10 50 Breast 44.87Y 1st.
    Kalina Frick (8): 8 & Under 50 Back 45.43Y 6th; 8 & Under 50 Breast 54.87Y 4th; 8 & Under 100 Free 1:27.46Y 8th.
    Bayley Furuie (12): 11-12 200 Breast 3:14.94Y 6th; 11-12 100 Breast 1:31.05Y 7th.
    Sabrina Furuie (8): 8 & Under 25 Back 23.93Y 8th; 8 & Under 25 Fly 23.81Y 7th.
    Avery Geller (13): 13-14 200 Free 2:15.08Y 5th; 13-14 50 Free 27.32Y 3rd; 13-14 100 Back 1:11.39Y 4th; 13-14 100 Free 1:01.14Y 3rd; 13-14 200 IM 2:38.45Y 8th.
    Payton Hanson (15): 15 & Over 200 Free 2:17.26Y 1st; 15 & Over 200 Breast 3:05.69Y 1st; 15 & Over 200 IM 2:34.82Y 1st; 15 & Over 200 Back 2:29.15Y 2nd; 15 & Over 100 Breast 1:26.32Y 4th, 9-10 200 Free 2:34.39Y 3rd;
    Maggie Heath (10): 9-10 100 Free 1:11.38Y 2nd; 9-10 200 IM 3:01.42Y 4th; 9-10 50 Free 32.49Y 3rd; 9-10 200 6th;Free 2:34.39Y 3rd; 9-10 100 IM 1:22.10Y 3rd; 9-10 50 Breast 46.48Y 6th.
    Samantha Heath (7): 8 & Under 25 Back 23.83Y 6th.
    Pam Heiken (8): 8 & Under 25 Fly 19.33Y 3rd.
    Tyler Hilderbrand (10): 9-10 100 Breast 1:53.51Y 8th.
    Celia Howell (12): 11-12 100 Back 1:21.09Y 8th; 11-12 200 Free 2:38.72Y 7th; 11-12 50 Back 35.81Y 6th; 11-12 200 Back 2:47.15Y 2nd.
    Jackson Hunter (9): 9-10 50 Fly 41.51Y 3rd; 9-10 100 Free 1:24.25Y 7th; 9-10 50 Free 36.58Y 8th; 9-10 200 Free 2:57.15Y 5th.
    Maggie Hybl (14): 13-14 50 Free 29.59Y 1st; 13-14 100 Free 1:04.22Y 1st.
    Sarah Hybl (10): 9-10 50 Fly 36.84Y 4th; 9-10 100 Free 1:15.72Y 7th; 9-10 50 Free 32.77Y 4th; 9-10 100 IM 1:26.34Y 8th; 9-10 50 Back 39.42Y 7th; 9-10 50 Breast 48.51Y 3rd; 9-10 500 Free 8:00.88Y 5th.
    Alex Johnson (12): 11-12 100 Back 1:18.82Y 4th.
    Annalee Johnson (15): 15 & Over 200 Breast 2:30.30Y 1st; 15 & Over 400 IM 4:49.66Y 2nd; 15 & Over 50 Free 26.43Y 6th; 15 & Over 100 Free 56.81Y 6th; 15 & Over 200 Fly 2:18.47Y 4th; 15 & Over 200 Back 2:23.36Y 4th; 15 & Over 100 Breast 1:12.66Y 3rd.
    Georgia Johnson (11): 11-12 100 Free 1:04.93Y 7th; 11-12 200 Breast 2:51.91Y 3rd; 11-12 100 Back 1:14.53Y 7th; 11-12 50 Breast 35.82Y 1st; 11-12 100 Breast 1:18.73Y 2nd; 11-12 50 Fly 35.52Y 4th; 11-12 500 Free 6:15.16Y 8th.
    Jennylynn Johnson (13): 13-14 200 Breast 2:50.32Y 5th; 13-14 100 Breast 1:18.17Y 6th.
    Bridger Johnston (11): 11-12 200 Breast 3:15.50Y 7th; 11-12 200 IM 2:53.42Y 5th; 11-12 50 Breast 40.76Y 3rd.
    Hunter Johnston (8): 8 & Under 100 IM 1:45.84Y 7th; 8 & Under 25 Breast 26.58Y 4th; 8 & Under 25 Fly 24.92Y 8th.
    Colleen Kleveno (14): 13-14 200 Back 2:26.84Y 7th; 13-14 100 Breast 1:19.71Y 8th.
    Liz Kleveno (18): 15 & Over 200 Fly 2:15.18Y 2nd; 15 & Over 200 Back 2:11.47Y 1st; 15 & Over 500 Free 5:20.89Y 3rd.
    Ryland Leupold (12): 11-12 100 Free 53.77Y 2nd; 11-12 200 Breast 2:39.69Y 1st; 11-12 200 IM 2:22.27Y 1st; 11-12 100 Back 1:05.07Y 2nd; 11-12 100 IM 1:03.26Y 2nd; 11-12 200 Back 2:18.09Y 1st; 11-12 50 Fly 28.40Y 2nd; 11-12 500 Free 5:35.51Y 1st.
    Erin Lipkin (11): 11-12 500 Free 7:01.53Y 6th.
    Aly Lodigiani (12): 11-12 100 Free 1:04.72Y 6th; 11-12 200 IM 2:41.90Y 6th; 11-12 200 Free 2:19.42Y 6th; 11-12 100 IM 1:17.53Y 2nd; 11-12 500 Free 6:10.93Y 7th.
    Gillian Mansfield (11): 11-12 50 Free 30.72Y 1st; 11-12 50 Breast 40.54Y 4th.
    Molly Mansfield (14): 13-14 200 Fly 2:46.42Y 2nd; 13-14 500 Free 6:21.90Y 1st.
    Anna Mead (9): 9-10 50 Fly 41.84Y 4th; 9-10 100 Breast 1:39.85Y 7th; 9-10 50 Breast 46.74Y 8th.
    Mako Mendoza (13): 13-14 100 Fly 1:08.27Y 7th; 13-14 500 Free 6:23.88Y 3rd.
    Tomona Mims (12): 11-12 100 Free 1:08.97Y 5th; 11-12 500 Free 6:37.15Y 1st.
    Nolan Monahan (14): 13-14 200 Breast 2:38.98Y 3rd; 13-14 200 Back 2:24.44Y 4th; 13-14 100 Breast 1:15.05Y 8th.7th;
    Makenna Moore (12): 11-12 50 Breast 40.77Y 5th.
    Reilly Moore (10): 9-10 50 Fly 36.49Y 3rd; 9-10 100 Free 1:13.91Y 4th; 9-10 100 Breast 1:44.99Y 6th.
    Adam Morrison (11): 11-12 200 IM 2:56.61Y 7th; 11-12 50 Breast 42.36Y 8th.
    Erin Morrison (13): 13-14 100 Fly 1:12.88Y 7th; 13-14 200 Breast 3:03.93Y 5th.
    Kelly Morrison (8): 8 & Under 25 Back 23.72Y 5th; 8 & Under 25 Breast 25.31Y 4th; 8 & Under 50 Free 40.21Y 7th.
    Tanner Newton (15): 15 & Over 100 Free 1:03.70Y 6th; 15 & Over 100 Breast 1:27.28Y 7th; 15 & Over 500 Free 6:09.68Y 4th.
    Lexi Osleger (13): 13-14 500 Free 5:45.93Y 8th.
    Mikayla Saar (8): 8 & Under 25 Breast 27.01Y 7th; 8 & Under 25 Fly 22.01Y 5th.
    Rebecca Saar (12): 11-12 100 Fly 1:33.60Y 8th.
    Martin Schalk (9): 9-10 50 Fly 42.18Y 4th; 9-10 100 Free 1:14.92Y 8th; 9-10 100 Breast 1:47.67Y 6th; 9-10 50 Free 34.15Y 1st; 9-10 100 IM 1:30.08Y 2nd; 9-10 50 Back 43.79Y 4th.
    Caitlyn Segrest (9): 9-10 100 Breast 1:42.80Y 3rd; 9-10 200 IM 3:02.68Y 5th; 9-10 100 Back 1:25.61Y 7th; 9-10 100 IM 1:24.48Y 4th.
    Samantha Segrest (14): 13-14 200 Breast 3:01.59Y 4th; 13-14 400 IM 5:15.86Y 6th; 13-14 500 Free 5:45.61Y 7th.
    Carolyn Shortess (11): 11-12 200 Breast 3:12.26Y 4th.
    Elizabeth Showers (12): 11-12 100 Free 1:06.79Y 2nd; 11-12 100 IM 1:17.62Y 3rd.
    Michaela Sizemore (11): 11-12 100 Fly 1:10.75Y 2nd; 11-12 100 Free 1:02.76Y 4th; 11-12 100 Back 1:15.40Y 1st; 11-12 50 Breast 37.63Y 6th; 11-12 200 Free 2:13.23Y 1st; 11-12 100 IM 1:13.04Y 7th; 11-12 50 Back 34.89Y 1st; 11-12 500 Free 5:53.91Y 3rd.
    Kayla Surles (11): 11-12 100 Breast 1:31.33Y 7th.
    Natalie Szenas (9): 9-10 200 IM 3:15.42Y 5th.
    Nicholas Thomas (8): 8 & Under 100 IM 1:45.04Y 6th; 8 & Under 50 Back 47.88Y 6th; 8 & Under 50 Free 43.70Y 8th.
    Hannah Tse (8): 8 & Under 50 Breast 53.60Y 3rd; 8 & Under 50 Fly 50.16Y 6th.
    Madilyn Walker (12): 11-12 500 Free 5:49.00Y 2nd.
    Shay Walker (10): 9-10 200 Free 2:34.67Y 4th.
    Stephen Wallach Jr (11): 11-12 200 Breast 3:05.99Y 3rd; 11-12 50 Breast 40.54Y 5th; 11-12 200 Free 2:26.98Y 7th; 11-12 100 Breast 1:29.22Y 4th; 11-12 500 Free 6:39.86Y 4th.
    Amanda Waller (15): 15 & Over 100 Fly 1:20.30Y 4th; 15 & Over 200 Free 2:21.62Y 2nd; 15 & Over 100 Back 1:13.40Y 1st, 15 & Over 200 Back 2:37.02Y 5th; 15 & Over 500 Free 6:11.27Y 2nd.
    Ashley Wang (8): 8 & Under 100 IM 1:25.31Y 1st; 8 & Under 50 Back 39.94Y 2nd; 8 & Under 50 Breast 46.33Y 1st; 8 & Under 50 Fly 38.41Y 1st.
    Helen Wang (10): 9-10 100 Free 1:11.62Y 3rd; 9-10 100 Breast 1:33.73Y 1st; 9-10 200 IM 2:55.83Y 1st; 9-10 50 Free 33.02Y 5th.
    Lauren Wick (14): 13-14 200 Free 2:29.24Y 5th; 13-14 50 Free 31.16Y 7th.
    Makayla Williams (8): 8 & Under 50 Back 43.76Y 4th; 8 & Under 50 Breast 52.13Y 2nd; 8 & Under 50 Fly 45.33Y 3rd; 8 & Under 100 Free 1:22.04Y 4th.
    Brendan Williamson (18): 15 & Over 200 Free 1:51.96Y 3rd; 15 & Over 100 Back 59.10Y 6th; 15 & Over 200 IM 2:08.77Y 3rd; 15 & Over 200 Back 2:07.86Y 6th; 15 & Over 100 Breast 1:08.90Y 6th.
    Eileen Williamson (15): 15 & Over 200 IM 2:27.35Y 7th; 15 & Over 200 Back 2:25.53Y 6th; 15 & Over 500 Free 5:41.47Y 5th.
    Fiona Williamson (8): 8 & Under 100 IM 1:41.80Y 8th; 8 & Under 50 Fly 49.81Y 5th.
    Evan Zapata (7): 8 & Under 25 Back 21.84Y 1st; 8 & Under 25 Free 18.92Y 8th; 8 & Under 25 Fly 23.28Y 5th; 8 & Under 100 Free 1:37.06Y 8th.

By Sports Desk on January 25th, 2013 11:49 pm


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