Thursday, May 30, 2013


Hello Everyone!

I have this idea for an RP (obviously) but i'm slightly hesitant to create it because I have a hard time finding committed, literate RPers for my taste and requirements. Anyway, this is my idea - quite basic at the moment - i'd love feedback if you think you have some good constructive criticism!

This RP, while using religious terms, is for all intents and purposes, not actually a religiously oriented RP. Angels, Demons heaven and Hell, good and evil, are just coincidentally the closest associations to what I am trying to convey. In this world, a god or gods don't exist.

Basic Concept
Your character, a Demuhn or Human (possibly a Serahm, although that would have to be deeply discussed), has discovered that there is a force within Hell who plans to overthrow Mortality and seek entrance to Heaven. As a child born from a demon and human, or a human born with neutral powers it is up to you to choose whether or not you aid another Demuhn (me) who has taken it upon himself to stop the forces in Hell from crossing to Mortality and entering into Heaven.

This RP also will hopefully based around and lean towards an action/horror RP. I'm always open to romance in any RP. But i'd like to make it clear that Romance always takes a back bench as priority when I RP. I don't even rate it as a sub-plot device because a lot of the time, I feel like when romance is involved in RPs people can tend to play out their own fantasies and not focus on the story at hand.

What makes up "Beyond Two Worlds"?

Mortality is the third plain of existence. It sits between heaven and hell is the cradle of humanity and it's soul. Mortality is the, contrary to popular belief, the ultimate Nirvana of existence. It is what Angels and Demons have envied since creation began. Mortality allows the soul of a creation, whether it be angel, demon or human to live it's life in ultimate existence, able to experience good bad and neutral. Mortality is where Demons and Angels go to allow themselves to experience the meaning of existence.

Hell is the second plain of existence and home to the most evil of creations. It was created after heaven as a refuge for those created and spawned from the seven sins. Creatures in hell can be both beautiful and enticing or hideous and repulsive. Hell isn't always fire and brimstone, and does have moments of beauty and splendor, but for the most part, regardless of what it looks like, Hell is no place a kind soul wants to find itself. The primary inhabitants of Hell are the demon race. Primarily, but not strictly, humanoid beings who are often, but not a general rule, spirits of evil. Hell is unfortunately the plain of existence where those who do more harm than good in humanity end up. It is a harsh plain to exist in, and while not all Demons are inherently evil, most are only out to gain power and rule above the rest. Demons can only leave hell through hard to perform and specific rituals that allow them to cross to Mortality.

Heaven was the first plain of existence to come to the light. It is as one imagines, a serene world that mimics all that could be possible good within all existence. Much like the world already, Heaven is covered with luscious and beautiful scenery and is a veritable paradise that those who performed more good than evil find themselves after death. Angels are the race that hail from Heaven, but nearly fifty millennium ago they vanished from Mortality and Hell and locked Heaven and erased all rituals that would allow one to enter. As a result, human souls rarely make it to heaven nowadays and their spirit must fight for it's final existence in hell.


Demons are beings born in Hell. While Hell is the birthplace of evil, and is one of the main contributors to mortality, not every demon born in Hell is necessarily evil. Demons are like Humans and can choose their alignment, but a result of being born in Hell is their powers and abilities tend to be more destructive and malicious in the scale of things. Demons are only able to walk between Hell and Mortality, they cannot exist in Heaven; something many Demons have sought to change throughout history. Demons can only cross to Mortality through hard to perform rituals.

Angels are the original inhabitants of Heaven. They, like Demons aren't necessarily aligned with the land they are born in, but do tend to lean towards the greater good. Angels are able to choose their alignment, like Demons and Humans, but their powers are always creative and cleansing. Their powers contrast Demons in equality, and tend to side with creating harmony and peace, but when an Angel aligns with evil, their powers, while not able to strike the same as Demons, are destructive in a more complicated way. A being that is born to be good, cannot perform as they would be able to when evil strikes their heart.

Born to Mortality, Humans are for all intents and purposes, neutral to Heaven and Hell. They are creations that teeter either way and unlike Demons and Angels, can be born aligned with either good or evil, but their ability to move between the alignments without consequence to power makes them wanted allies when good and evil clash. A human, unlike and Angel and Demon can be forced to align with good or evil, whereas an Angel and Demon must choose; although forcing alignment with humans is only temporary, a demon or angel can only align a human by force for as long as they can connect with one.
Humans can sometimes, because of their neutrality, posses abilities that are hybrid to angels and demons.

Demuhns are children born as a result from a human and demon parent. They are lucky enough to be born with neutral alignment, their demon blood inhibits good or evil's ability to force them into an alignment. Demuhns always look like humans in mortality, but if they cross to hell they take on a human/demon appearance, sometimes referred to as their Heritage form. Demuhns have the extremely rare ability to be able to move between heaven and hell without the need of rituals, but their curse is that they cannot control it. One day they might exist in Mortality and the next in Hell. They never know how long they will exist in either plain and much of their life is turmoil because their existence is broken. Rumor has it that there is a way Demuhns can control their existence among Hell and Mortality, but if one has discovered this secret, they don't share it. Demuhns are hated among many of Hell's inhabitants and sought after and killed for their blood which allows free entrance to Mortality if a demon drinks it. Demuhns also posses the very rare and unique ability to be able to sometimes successfully pull a living human into Hell (although it is incredibly dangerous and rare).

Serahm are born as a result of angel and human union. Serahm for all intents and purposes are the counter-part of the Demuhns. However apart from the acknowledgement that they have existed, nothing is known about them or their capabilities. Serahm, while being recorded in history, have not been seen since after Heaven locked itself away.

Additional Information

- Beings cannot cross from hell to heaven directly. Although unknown as to why, if an Angel wanted to enter hell, they would have to first enter Mortality, perform a ritual and then proceed into Hell, this works vice versa. Only Mortality can enter to Heaven or Hell without needing to cross another plain.

- Heaven and Hell are in essence, almost alternate existences of earth. Think of it as a three realities hidden from one another, but have the possibilities of crossing over.

- Angels can cross to Hell, but Demons, as far as it is known, cannot cross to Heaven.

- Human powers range from being able to communicate with both Demons and Angels across the plains, to any kind of psychic power. Humans however are limited in their powers.

- When a human dies and travels to Hell or Heaven, it is nearly impossible for their soul to go back to Mortality. Souls without bodies lead existences, but once a soul is detached from a body if it is consumed by a demon or angel, they cease to exist and in essence add to the consumer's soul.


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