Saturday, July 13, 2013

Q&A: Raw vegan foods and conditions? - Cocktail Drink Recipe

July 12, 2013 at 9:59 pm #

I am not strictly eating raw foods, but one of the easiest to obtain/produce are sprouts.
You can grow your own very easily with a few mason jars and some cheesecloth to strain the water, or buy an inexpensive kitchen sprouter.

Sunflower seeds, lentils, quinoa, alfalfa, broccoli sprouts are all extremely healthy, easy to digest and considered a living food.

Wheat-grass is also a healthy choice, grown from wheat berries, the ?grass? it produces needs to be ?juiced? and can take some getting used to (the taste is strong and earthy) but the chlorophyll within is awesomeness defined!

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