Thursday, October 25, 2012

5 productivity apps for Windows Phone


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SplashID by SplashData
Price: S$13.99 (US$9.99)

Keep all your sensitive data and passwords in one app using SplashID. It uses Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and 256-bit Blowfish encryption to safeguard information, while also providing an automatic password generator to reduce the risk of people using the same one repeatedly for different accounts.

Topics: Apps, Microsoft

Kevin Kwang

About Kevin Kwang

Kevin made the move from custom publishing focusing on travel and lifestyle to the ever-changing, jargon-filled world of IT and biz tech reporting, and considered this somewhat a leap of faith. Good news is, he has landed on his feet. Since then, he has covered a myriad of beats from security and hardware to mobile communications, software and cloud computing, and is looking to write more on apps, analytics, Apple and Android.

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