Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The HubPages Rigorous Review Contest - HubPages Blog

This November, we will launch the?HubPages Rigorous Review Contest, an autumnal?competition?centered around the use of our Ratings Capsule, which adds a star rating to Hubs reviewing?products, places, and services (you can choose whether the star rating is that of your own or the collective rating of your readers).

The contest boasts over 60 prizes, including:

  • $700 in $25 Daily Drawing Prizes awarded to one randomly selected review entry every day of the contest
  • $700 in $25 Weekly Prizes awarded to the seven best review Hubs each week
  • $50 Best Product Review Prize for the best product review
  • $50 Best Service Review Prize for the best service review
  • $50 Best Restaurant Review Prize for the best restaurant review
  • $50 Best Place Review Prize for the best place review
  • $200 Grand Prize for the best overall review

And comes right in time for holiday shopping season, so as you research various products and gifts for your friends, colleagues, and family, consider writing reviews of them using the Ratings Capsule!

Should you like to plan for the contest and start drafting Hubs ahead of time, here are the important starting, ending, and awarding dates to keep in mind:

  • Hub entries may first be submitted Wednesday, October 31st at 12:00pm (PT)
  • The deadline for Day 1 of the contest is Thursday, November 1st at 12:00pm (PT) Subsequent deadlines are always at noon (PT)
  • The final deadline for entries is Wednesday, November 28th at 12:00pm (PT)
  • Daily Drawing prize winners will be announced every weekday around 4:00pm (PT) (and on the Monday following Thanksgiving for entries submitted for November 22nd and 23rd)
  • Weekly Prize winners will be announced on Mondays (starting on the 12th of November and continuing through December 3rd)
  • Finalists and Grand Prize winners will be announced on Friday, December 7th around 4:00pm (PT)

Please also note that all HubPages contests are run on Pacific Time (there are plenty of handy reference sites for checking the current time at HubPages Headquarters should you not know the exact time difference between our home and yours).

To ensure that your November review Hubs have the best possible shot at success, keep our entry requirements in mind as you craft them:

  • Hub entries must contain at least the Ratings Capsule (see our Learning Center guide on the?Ratings Capsule)
  • Hub entries must have at least one image
  • All images must be legally used (see our Learning Center guide on?proper image use)
  • All images (unless original) must come?with attribution and link to their source
  • Entries must be published for the first time on that given contest day
  • Hub entries must be a minimum of 500 words
  • Hub entries must be entirely original to HubPages

Throughout the month of October?we?ll present you with tips and advice on creating review Hubs that have good odds of winning and have a better shot of seeing sustained success over time.

To read through the full contest details, review our judging criteria, as well as review the all important official rules, visit the dedicated contest page. We can?t wait to review your entries!

Source: http://blog.hubpages.com/2012/10/rigorous-review-contest/

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