Monday, February 11, 2013

From the Editor's Desk: Fitness month in full swing

Phil Nickinson

So Mobile Nations Fitness Month is in full swing, for better or worse. Better, because some of us need any help we can get to get off our asses and exercise, even just a little. Worse, because often is a pretty busy month for us, and 2013 has been no exception. I'm trying a Nike Fuel Band this year. The gamification is OK (reaching your Fuel Points goal is fine, I guess), but the bracelet is just plain rigid and uncomfortable. And at $160, it's expensive for what it does. Plus, no Android app, which is lame. 

I spent a couple days last week in San Francisco. Travel days are tough for getting any actual exercise. Up too early to catch a transcon flight, and arrive too late get any real walking in. (Of course, that's me making more excuses.) Being on the west coast usually means waking up a couple hours early, and this trip was no exception. So I fired up Ingress and went for a walk at 5:30 a.m. San Francisco is really nice that early in the morning. Plenty of city noise, but not crazy like New York. It also was my first time really playing Ingress in a metro area -- and that makes all the difference in the world. That is, until I discovered there was a Level 8 of the other faction nearby who quickly undid the portals I'd claimed. Such is life for a lowly Level 3.

But it did get me out and walking, and helped me meet my Fuel Band goal for that day. So it's better than nothing. I'll be interesting to see just how much walking I end up doing at Mobile World Congress at the end of the month.

And now, a few more thoughts on the week that was ...

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