Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Frustration Of Hitting A Baseball : Sports and Recreation

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The art of hitting a baseball can become a life-time love affair. But simultaneously it starts a trip full of disappointment and failure.

Hitting is often called the most difficult course of action in all sports.

The challenge of hitting a baseball is what drives so many athletes to spend hours upon hours of practice together with hours of watching games on TV or in real life. This may become an obsessive compulsion or idol if your have played long enough then you know precisely what I mean.

Waking in the middle of the night with thoughts about our swing filling our heads, or hitting until our hands bleed only to do it again the next day are sides of this love affair.

Always looking for that one thing where we are able to say I GOT IT or I Worked It Out. Only to go 0-3 the next day with three punch outs. Why do we do this to ourselves? It?s those good days that keep us wanting more. The feeling when we hit the ball perfect on the sweet spot. Much like golf except in golf you hit the ball pure and you?re on the green, in baseball you can hit the ball perfect only to see the centerfielder make the catch without taking a step.

Even writing this blog stirs feelings of those sleepless nights and frustration over O?fers.

The crazy thing about baseball is that we tend to target the negative, not the hit that you did have but the three you did not get. That explains why we must target the things we will be able to control. Your approach or plan and how you executed those.

Did you stay in the moment?

The practice of one pitch at a time!?

The pitcher wants to execute three pitches to beat us where we as a hitter only really need to execute on one pitch.

How we handle the mental side of the game will make a real difference in the success we have as well as how much we enjoy this fantastic exasperating game.

Enjoy the beginning of your lifetime love affair with hitting.

Thomas Johnson is a baseball coach who teaches catcher instruction and hitting instruction using video tutorials.


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