Monday, July 23, 2012

Feeling dizzy or nausea after using iPad

Are you playing 3D games like Doom? Could be Motion Sickness aka Doom Sickness.

From Doom's (very old) FAQ:

[19-8]: I get motion sickness when playing DOOM

There have been a lot of discussion about this phenomenon. In short some people experience dizziness attributed to the game movement. There were many theories, most along the line of motion sickness. Some also said that the animation is too smooth so it fools your brain into believing it to be real. Others said its too jerky and it makes you vomit like being sea sick. Another popular theory is that lack of proper acceleration (like on-off high speed) attribute to the nausea. I will not go into discussion of why. Instead, I will post some steps people suggested. Remedies are not guaranteed to work. There are many, all are experimental and some will have opposite effects on different people. This, it seems, is a very individual problem.
(1) Try different display sizes. Either use different size monitors or use the screen size option to vary the display window.
(2) Try sitting closer/further from the display (don't stick your nose in it, I don't want you to get radiation sick). Try combining this with focusing/defocusing on the display or surroundings. This is to see if you are being aware that you are looking at the monitor and hopefully it may convince your brain that what you play is not really real.
(3) Try different machine speeds. If you have a turbo switch try playing with it on/off.
(4) Try different input devices. With a mouse you can control acceleration more accurately than with a joystick or the keyboard.
(5) Play on your friend's/colleague's computer. See if it is better/worse.
(6) Have breaks while you play. Play in turns. Watch others play & then play yourself.
(7) If you have sound card, try playing with/without the sound. If your sound card is stereo try playing with headphones on. Reverse the headphones so that left becomes right.

MacMini Core Duo 1.66 + iBook G4 12" 1.33 + iMac G3 233 + Macintosh LC 12" 16MHz, + iPhone 3G 8GB + iPod nano


collateral dick cheney heart umf peter frampton elite eight stephon marbury the lion king

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