Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Yahoo! News Names New Editor in Chief - FishbowlDC

Yahoo! today announced Hillary Frey as Editor in Chief of Yahoo! News, and Aaron Task as Editor in Chief?of Yahoo! Finance.? In her new role, says a release, Frey will be responsible for the continued expansion and promotion of? ?original content, developing new franchises and recruiting new talent.?

Frey is a former Politico CLICK Editor, but we won?t hold that against her too much.

In her new role, she will oversee the on-going evolution of the Yahoo! News newsroom, and work closely with premier media partner ABC News to further enhance their alliance on major news events.? As Editor in Chief?of Yahoo! Finance, Task will remain in his role as host of ?The Daily Ticker? and will work to continually expand and promotion of original content, recruit new talent, and work closely with CNBC on their recently announced partnership.

In her past?Frey joined Yahoo! News as managing Editor in the fall of 2011. Prior to that, Frey was the managing editor of Adweek and before that, she edited political media and society coverage at Politico; from 2007-2010 she was culture and media editor of The New York Observer. She began her career as managing editor of Lingua Franca, and also worked as a books editor at The Nation and Salon. Her articles have appeared in The New York Times, Ms., and The Awl. She lives in Brooklyn with her husband, GQ editor Mark Lotto, and their daughter, Lucien.


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