Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Free Health Fitness Webinar by Scott Welle! | Minnesota School of ...

On August 1st the Health Fitness Specialist program at Globe University will present a free webinar by Scott Welle. Scott is a Minneapolis-based fitness entrepreneur and small business owner specializing in comprehensive coaching strategies for endurance athletes. He holds a master?s degree in Exercise Science with an emphasis in Sport Psychology. He is a Professional Triathlon coach, and holds numerous fitness certifications.

A more extensive bio for Scott can be found at his website.

The outline for Scott?s webinar, ?Fuel Up, Keep Up, Recover: Working with Endurance Athletes.? is listed below.

Fuel Up
Learn the proper foods and products that will rev your metabolic engine and fuel your body for performance Many athletes are beat before they start because they?ve improperly fueled their bodies; learn to overcome this challenge.

Keep Up
Pinpoint the proper number of calories per hour to perform your best and establish electrolyte ratios so your performance won?t fade. No more ?hitting the wall!?

Discover why the timing and type of nutrients has everything to do with recovery. Understand the principle that you ?train to break down and recover to build up.?
Details for the session are below ? we hope you?ll join us!

When: Wednesday 8/1 at 10 AM CST or 1 PM CST (1 hour duration)

Where: Elluminate Live Webinar via the following links:
10 AM CST: https://sas.elluminate.com/m.jnlp?sid=2008435&password=M.CB9D20E24D654AFA750910B6ED0BE1

1 PM CST: https://sas.elluminate.com/m.jnlp?sid=2008435&password=M.A90703C1359ED737ED8743B2F4E13B

*Please join the session 10 min early, as computers take time to connect to the site.

All individuals interested in personal trainer education, current health fitness specialists, GEN/MSB students, faculty, administrators, and any guests interested in learning more about endurance training.


Learn more information about the Health Fitness Specialist degrees at Globe University.

Source: http://blogs.msbcollege.edu/2012/07/17/free-health-fitness-webinar-by-scott-welle/

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