Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Effective Ways To Stop Kids Bullying - Ayushveda

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Ways To Stop Kids BullyingKids bullying is a kind of activity that is hard to be handled by kids themselves without any prior teaching. A child will not be aware that he or she may cross a situation of bullying in life. Thus, he or she would be embarrassed when faced with such a situation. You should never suppress your feelings or give in to bullies.

You should never fear them and not raise your voice in the fear of getting more hurt. Bullying is a tainted immoral act that needs to be opposed and stopped. Here are certain ways to stop bullying of kids.

Best?Ways to Stop Kids Bullying

Never Be Alone

Teach your child that he or she should not go to places where there is no one around. It is always good to stay in places with friends or many people. If something happens your child would find it easy to get help. If one person is bad there will be ten good people around to help. So, hold on to people whom you can trust or turn to when you feel like you would be bullied or if you already are facing this horrid situation.

Speak Up

Ask your child not to keep silent when bullied. This would encourage the one who bullies. The person may become fearless that the child will not complaint to anyone and will continue with bullying. Telling straight to the person what you don?t like will give a little fear to the person.

A child should be bold enough to speak up for his or her friend also. Being brave in itself might stop bullying in certain cases. It will also warn your attackers that they are messing with the wrong person and they would readily back off in a lot of cases.

Seek an Adult?s Help

When the situation becomes worse for your child to handle, tell your child to get to an adult at once. At places like school, neighbourhood and known places the child could go to known and trustworthy adults like teachers. In unknown places, try to go to the police for help.

Effective Ways To Stop Kids Bullying

They are pretty helpful and do the needful. Adults would always intervene and see to it that you would not become a victim of bullying. They would also warn your attackers which would scare them, and helping you in not being their victim the next time.

Avoid the Person

When your child is constantly being bullied by someone, it is better to avoid him or her. If there is an option to go through another way, it could be used. Teach your child to avoid such people. It is not being afraid of them but it is to prevent yourself from further nasty action of such person.

Also, it is better to prevent than to seek cure. Plus, when you avoid the person, he might give up on bullying you or find some other task to engage his or her mind with. When you deal with the other person, it urges them to mess with you so at times, avoiding is better.

Also Read

Bullying and Your Children
Bullying at School: Deal With It the Right Way
Why Do Kids Bully at School
How to Handle a Child Who is Victim of Bullying in School

Staying Calm

Bring your child in a such a way that he or she knows to control fear when confronted by bullies. Panicking or anger might worsen the situation. Show them how to answer in a calm and friendly manner. Or just walk away from the place without speaking anything. This will normalize the problem and without hurting anyone.

Feel Confident on Yourself

If anyone keep calling names, that might hurt your child?s feelings. Tell your child that he or she is special and so should not feel bad on hearing such words.

Effective Ways To Stop Kids Bullying

There is nothing true in it and it should be just ignored. At the same time teach your child not to repeat the same even with the one who bullies him or her.

Listen to Your Child

When your child keeps coming to you with complaints about anyone, don?t ignore it as children?s play. Listen carefully to find whether your child is being bullied. Give necessary advice and if it is beyond control talk to the person responsible like your child?s teacher. Meet other parents? of affected children and discuss what is actually happening. It is easier to check the bullies when you are grouped together.

Bullying is a morbid practice induced upon weaker kids by stronger kids. It leaves emotional scars upon its victims. Thus, it is really necessary for the kids themselves or an adult to stop this malpractice. The above mentioned steps are really effectual in stopping kids from getting bullied. Pay close attention to them and stop this unethical and immoral crime from taking place.

Effective Ways To Stop Kids Bullying, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating


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